Benny Rodriguez

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This is the first chapter so I hope you enjoy!
Word count: 1104
Y/n moved into a house on the same block as Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez, though he wasn't known by that name yet.

Y/n was 3 when she moved onto young Bennys block, their parents made quick friends after Bennys parents saw the moving trucks and came to say hello.

Benny wasn't shy at all but Y/n was a little stand offish. Benny was excited to have a friend that lives so close and Y/n was a little scared of the new place they were in.

Benny was 4 at the time and Y/n was 3 turning 4 in a couple weeks. A few weeks went by and she'd been over to Bennys most days along with her parents.

Benny and Y/n would play, usually with a plastic bat and ball, as their parents had lemonades on the back deck, watching as the two learned how to play baseball.

As they grew older the more friends they made. Ham, yeah yeah, squints, Timmy and Tommy, Bertram, and then Kenny in that order.

They all started going to the sandlot together when they were 9 that's when they all came together and didn't add another to the group for a while. 9 was enough, enough for a team, enough for a group of kids that needed some friends.

They were weeks away from summer, so close they could almost feel the feeling of not having to sit in a classroom all day. Back to the sandlot where they spent summers before.

Y/n POV:
The boys were playing against some other kids that went to their to school. You got stuck inside, having extra work you didn't finish in class that "HAD" to be done.

I watched out the window as Ham just finished batting and was waiting to run to second as Benny stepped up to the plate.

'Oh it's over for them' I thought as I watched Benny get ready to swing.

He sound of the ball hitting the bat could be heard through the glass as Benny let go of the bat and ran touching all the bases just for a moment before stepping down on home plate.

What else would you expect from him, Mr. Jet himself, fastest kid in the school baseball club.

I looked back over at the teacher who was grading a quiz we did at the start of the day, "I hope you're getting that work done, it'll be homework if you're not finished by the end of lunch" she said, not looking up from the papers.

"Right" I quickly said as I got back to what I was meant to be doing.

The bell rang and all the other kids came rushing into the classroom, putting down their hats on their desks.

"Hey Y/n, you're still not done Huh?" Benny stated as he sat down in his desk beside mine. "Nope" I said not looking up.

"I could help you" he offered while looking over to my paper.

"I'm good, I'm almost done anyways" I said as I wrote down the last equation. "There's a backside" Kenny said from the desk in front of me as I was beginning to get up.

"Your kidding" I said as I flipped over the sheet. "Awwww I thought I was done!" I said as I picked my pencil back up and began to write.

"Yeah yeah you always think that" said yeah yeah as he turned to look at you from in front of Benny. "Alright class, quiet down" the teacher said as everyone started to silence.

"You're going to be having a new classmate this coming Monday, that's all I have to say, you may do what you like until the bell rings, as soon as the bell goes you may leave" she said, going back to her papers.

"A new kid this late in the year?" Asked Ham, "yeah I guess" said Timmy as he sat up no longer slouching.

"Weird" I said as I gave up on trying to finish the math paper on time. "You're not gonna finish that?" Asked Benny.

"I'll do it later" I said as I put the paper along with my pencil into my bag. "Sure you will, you'll just end up coming with us to the sandlot like you always do" said Squints. "Probably" said Bertram and the others nodded.

The bell rang and everyone got up and started to crowd around the door, the boys and I stayed back so we wouldn't be caught up in that mess or see Phillips in the hall.

"Did you get the math paper done Y/n?" Asked the teacher as I grabbed my bag off of the back of my chair. "No but I'll have it done by Monday, have a nice weekend" I said as we walked through the door and met Tommy in the hall.

"Hey Tommy, you coming to the sandlot today?" Asked Benny as he walked beside Tommy. "If I'm going he's bound to follow me" said Timmy. "Yeah if he goes I'll follow him" said tommy. "We can't go straight there though, Y/n has homework" Squints said as they grinned and giggled.

"Haha very funny, like Yeah yeah didn't have homework the other day" I retorted as I grinned. "Yeah yeah at least mine was History, that's easy" said Yeah yeah as we walked out of the font doors of the school.

We continued to poke fun at each other until we made it out of the school parking lot, "ok ok we get it enough out of you two" Benny said as he laughed under his breath.

Bertram and Kenny had to turn down their street as we waved them goodbye. Next followed by Timmy and Tommy, then Yeah yeah and squints, and finally Ham.

"So you need help with that paper?" Asked Benny as he put his hands on his pockets looked at me. "Nope" I said as I looked straight forward.

"I can do it myself, it's not like I don't understand it I just don't want to do it" I said, "Yeah I know, I've known you for years" he said. "For DECADES" he slightly exaggerated. "Almost" I said as I smiled at him.

"I'll come pick you up in 15 minutes, if you aren't done by then then I'm leaving you here" he said as he smiled and stopped outside my house. "Mhm ill get it done!" I said as I walked up my drive way and opened my front door, I gave him one last wave before I went in.

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