Scotty Smalls.

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This story is not going to follow the script at all because it takes too much time to go back and forth from here to the script to get the right lines so from here on there isn't going to be a single ounce of a cannon situation, I am sorry🥰🤠
Word count:

Author POV:
As soon as Benny and Y/n made their way into class and she put her homework on the teachers desk, Y/n went over to Scotty Smalls desk. "Hey, I'm Y/n" she said. "Hi I'm, I'm Scotty" he said in a nervous/excited, friendly tone. "Since you got no friends you wanna come play ball with some of mine at the sandlot near our houses?" She asked hoping he'd say yes.

Y/n POV:
I looked behind me towards the guys, they all shook their heads and motioned for me to go hangout with them instead of talking to Scotty.

"Um...yeah sure what time?" He asked seeming unsure. "Me and Benny'll come pick you up sometime after school, alright?" I asked. "Yeah see you later" he said as I waved and walked away.

"What we're you thinking?!" Squints whisper yelled. "What? What'd I do?" I asked confused. "You invited the weirdo!" Ham said a bit louder. "Keep your voice down, he's not that bad guys." Benny said hitting Ham on the arm.

"You guys'll see, I invited him to play with us after school" I told them. "Oh my god Y/n. Are you serious?" Timmy said. "Yeah yeah you've gotta be joking" yeah yeah said while leaning on his chair.

"I don't understand why you guys have to be such jerks. Either show up or don't play ball" I said and the teacher came in and started teaching.

We finished the school day and me and Benny were walking home as usual. "I can't believe those guys are such jerks." I said to Benny. "Yeah. I don't get it" Benny shook his head. "I mean, it's not like we don't need an extra player, then we can all take turns batting easier" Benny added.

"Yeah idk man" I said and the conversation switched topics fast. "You wanna go down town with me tomorrow? I was thinking we could go get ice cream or something?" He asked sort of smirking/smiling as he looked down at me. "Yeah sure Benny, just pick me up whenever" I said and smiled back.

Benny POV:
'I don't think she gets it. It's supposed to be a date Y/nnnnnnn.' I mentally groaned. "Kinda like a date" I laughed. She laughed too before we made it to our drive ways. "See y'a in 5?" I asked before she went inside. "Yup" she said and waved bye before closing her door.

I went inside and set down my bag, grabbed my glove and told my mom where I was going. "Oh and can I go down town with Y/n tomorrow?" I asked before I left. "Like a date Bennyyyy?" My mom asked while smiling. "Yeah mom now leave me alone" I said and rolled my eyes before walking out the door and meeting Y/n and Scotty.

"Hey smalls ready to play some ball?" I asked trying to make conversation. "Yeah, I guess so" he said while smiling. We met up with Ham and walked to the sandlot. "Alright everyone base up" Benny said excitedly while going towards the home plate. "Y/n on third, yeah yeah on second, Bertram back catcher and Ham next to bat" I arranged and everyone got into position.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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