A Dream

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This is one of my dreams that i want to share to you. A creepy one! Hehehe just kiddin'..!

Enjoy reading!



(MY Point of View)


When I was young, i'd love to watch some horror movies during nights.

And i don't know why  i am really attached at this kind of movie. For me,it is very interesting to watch.


We have our two house,the big one where our television was located and the small one which tends to be our small sari-sari store and where also our bedroom is located until now.


It was just only a walking distance between the two house.Uhmm,maybe a maximum of 100 steps i think.Lets not just think about it.


Of all my family,I am only the one who was very addicted to horror movies that i am willing to sacrifice my sleep for it.


Every night during mondays to fridays at 9:00  p.m. in the evening. I would always went to our first house alone only to watch my favorite horror movie.It was all about the curse doll that one of the young girl in the character seen and owned.And i so loved that movie that's why i cannot resist to watch it every night except only weekends.


To think that I was so young then, and just about to turn 7 years old.


My mother and father always told me not to watch that movie again thinking that they were 100 steps away from the big house.And worst because there were lots of trees around the house and i am aware of what was happening during nights.


But i always insisted coz i 'm not scared.Why would I?? I am a human and they're just some kind of uhmm creepy creatures and i also trust God.


That night,was the finale of the movie so i am very excited and i watched it ALONE.I don't know that i felt asleep and i'm having a bad dream.


In my dream, was a  creepy and abandoned building and stage. Garbage,rats running and lots of dead animals scattered everywhere in the dirty floor.


I tried to search the exit but i cannot find it.I am locked up inside the stage.

I am calling my mom and dad but it seems like i was only the one in that dirty room. Walking and searching for nowhere!

Until i heard laughters of students maybe that was coming in my way.

I run only to find them out,thinking maybe i can need their help.I felt relieved at the thought that i am not alone.


But i was surprised that the students i imagined were dolls who looked like exactly in the movie!



I was totally shocked!

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