Ep 7 : Movie Time

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"Oh, Bakugo! Over here!" called Kirishima while waving his hand when he sees the white spiky guy is walking towards them with his hands inside his trouser pockets.

"Where is Noa??" asked Kaminari, he thought Bakugo will come along with her since they live nearby.

"Yaoyorozu called earlier that she also wanted to come so she's waiting for her." Bakugo replied.

"Yaomomo coming too?? Nice!!" the electrical boy yelled in excitement, he's been wanting to get to know the ponytail girl ever since she was so busy with lida as the new class representative.

"There they are!" Kirishima beamed when they can see two girls walking over them, but startled next when there is one more person who's not invited.

"Todoroki?! Why are you here?!"

"Sorry, we bumped into him earlier and he just wanted to tagged along." Momo said with an apologetic smile.

"I didn't bother you guys right?" asked Todoroki calm.

"Not at all! The more the merrier!" replied Kirishima as he and Kaminari walked in towards the movie theatre, the two already reserved the best movie in town nowadays, two awesome freaking horror movies along with thriller and the other one animation.

"The first movie will start in around fifteen minutes, we can wait for a while!" Kirishima announce.

"Then I'll go to the restroom first, can you hold my purse Noa-san?" asked Momo and the demon girl took it as a yes.

Noa looked around the place astonished, her eyes sparkled that the theatre is really huge, wonder how many studios are in this building.

"Oh, you're wearing the outfit where we went shopping the other day." Said Todoroki towards Noa.

Making the trio spiky boys looked at them, Todoroki and Noa... Shopping?!

"Ohhh~ I didn't know you two are close!" Kirishima grin.

"We are? Well, I just went with her also with Yaoyorozu, just needed their help of sense in shopping to buy a gift for my big sister." Replied Todoroki, somehow his statement making Bakugo pissed.

"But Noa is more visible now! I didn't know you'll look good in that dress!" compliment Kaminari making the girl a bit blush.

"Yeah, yeah, isn't that right Bakugo?!"

"Whatever." Bakugo replied walking away to the bathroom, making Noa worried if she made him mad at her again, they just finally talked yesterday at night and here he is already sulking to himself.

"What's wrong with him?" asked Kaminari confuse.

"I want some popcorn, you guys want too?" asked Todoroki, heading to the meals booth.

"Definitely!!" answer the two.

"You Sakamoto?"

"I'll buy for Momo-chan."

"Oh, then I'm buying it for you too then."

"Uh why?"

"Dunno, as a thanks for helping me shopping the other day."

"Okay! Thank you Todoroki-kun!"

In the background, Kirishima and Kaminari literally making their own assumptions, "Those two are more than friends aren't they?"

"Yeah, no guarantee!"


When the first movie starts, it was the horror one. The six of them sat on the middle with the best view in the house, and here's how the arrangement;

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