Ep 27 : Terrors

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"What the f*ck is that woman's quirk?!" curse Bakugo, he tries to engage again but Todoroki only use his ice to defense those three.

"Isn't she had some kind of web in her both hands?" mumbled Todoroki while looking at the maroon haired girl who smirking evilly at them.

"Three fresh flesh humans, great for my supper." She said while licking her lips.

Meanwhile Bakugo and Todoroki readied themselves again, the explosive boy ran towards the villain readying his one hand to explode the girl but then Todoroki realize something.


"HUH?!" but it was too late because when Bakugo was about to get away, his one arm got a big line scratch because of the web.

"This f*cking sting! What the hell is that web?! So f*cking sharp!" he yelled pissed while gripping his left hand where he bleeds.

The villain then perks up, "Oh my, what a nice sweet blood you got there, blondie."


Todoroki stunned, Blood she said... Wait, don't tell me she's—

"Since you're our target, but I'm changing my mind to have you first for all myself." Said the villain again and readied her webs to cut through the boys.

Todoroki immediately use his ice again but it was cut just like that by the villain, making him to use his left side to fire off the webs but it didn't work.

"What's with that f*cking girl deal? Ugh."

"Bakugo! Is that wound okay?!" asked the icy-hot boy.

"I'm fine you bastard!"

The maroon haired girl smirk, "I can't wait to eat all of you."

Bakugo then remembered, "Oi! That b*cth, that racoon's eyes friend?!"

Todoroki rolled his eyes, "You just realize that seriously?"

They stepped away again when the girl uses her webs again to attack them, those two are having trouble because if they made contact with that, they will be finish for good.

"Bakugo we really need to retreat!"

"You coward! Are you seriously think it's the best option for now?! She will end up chasing us in the very end!!"

The villain laughs, "Kehkehekehkehkeh, that's right, no one is going home before I can have my supper for the night."

That voice, it's so familiar in those two ears.

"The f*ck, she's—"


Suddenly the villain was already inches away from the explosive boy, making him to defend himself with the explosive but it was too late, the webs will get him.


It doesn't happen that easy because suddenly someone kick out the villain from his sight, it was so fast until she was thrown and made impact to a big three.

Both Bakugo and Todoroki was surprised it was Noa who kicked the villain. Her body is bigger, her full demon form is activated, showing her big horns and scary fangs.

"I was right... That villain had the same blood scent just like me..." she mumbled then turn around to the boys.

"Sakamoto, how did you get here?" asked Todoroki while Bakugo still look at the girl with a dumbfounded expression.

"I smell, more like sensing that there is someone suspicious... That villain... I think she's a demon just like me..."

"WHAT?!" exclaimed those two, so that's why that screech voice earlier is so familiar like the other creepy demon are.

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