15. Thaddeus

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"Lets get you all to the base and onto that flight, all of you go with Miss Brooke-Bennett, check in with her family, then move on from there. That flight has already been approved, you can then work out between you all how you will support her next" Peter suggests and I know the idea has merit.

"Its a good idea" Ivo muses, looking at Per, who after a moment nods.

"Where is the plane flying to?" I ask, I was answering the family messages whilst listening into the conversation, getting ready to tell them we were coming to join them but bringing a guest.

"Jersey is the information I have" Peter said as Per says "France"

"No, the base definitely said the flight plan is to Jersey, I remember them joking about hitchhiking to warmer places" Peter tells her and we look at her face, its sheet white and she is shaking her head.

"Per, what's wrong" Topper ask her, moving forward to kneel at her feet, his focus on her. "Per, who is in Jersey?" he pushes her for an answer and she whispers out her response.

"The Vaughn Family, their estate is there, we have no home in Jersey, they told me France, at our villa"

"Fuckers!" Topper growls.

I stand up " Leave this with me" I grate out, turning to the ranger, wanting him and Mr Jones out of the dorm, I needed to hold Per, and I needed to make some damn phone calls.

"If you can arrange our transport to the base we would be grateful, by the time that is done we will have sorted everything out with her family" I tell him, "Perhaps you can give us some time to get our stuff together" I suggest and he nods.

"They can send an all terrain vehicle through to get you, the fastest it can get here is two hours, does that give you enough time?" he asks and I nod.

"Thank you" I step back and watch as Rupert shows them out before we are all back at her side. Rupert pulls her phone out of his pocket and unlocks it, his fingers opening the voicemail option and he looks at her before pressing play. "You need to hear what they say before you decide what to do next" he tells her and at her shaky nod, he presses play.

There are five calls each one more menacing that before, and we all listen as her mother's threats get harsher, on two calls we can hear her father in the background adding his comments and throughout all the calls, Per sits silently, her head bowed and her body frozen.  I knew we all want to comfort her, to turn off the hate but she needs to hear her mothers words, to make the decision to come with us, where we can and will protect her.

"Come home with Us" Ivo asks softly at the end of the voicemails.

"We don't want to let you go" Rupert adds quietly

"Trust us, we won't let you down" Topper squeezes her hand in his.

"Per" I say and wait, till she lifts her gaze to mine.  I can see the pain in her eyes, hell her whole body screams of the pain she is feeling now. "Per, for what ever reason before this break we did not notice you" I see my brothers eyes glare at me but we had to be honest with her, I knew any manipulation after what she had endured with her parents would be wrong, for her and for us. "But now we have found you and are getting to know you, we all want to know more"

She shakes her head, hers eyes on me, fear and excitement bleeding through the pain.

"We don't want you to pretend, just get to know us, you don't have to choose, in fact we all want you and would happily share"

"Share?" she asks her face flaming red and I grin at her.

"Yes share" I repeat "No pressure, we will move at your pace but whilst you are getting to know us, let us stand between you and your parents, we want to do this, and I know you can feel whatever it is that is drawing us all together" I stress.

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