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(we're in BLAIRE'S POV now)

Well that went well🤷
Now it's just me. I really don't want to go be with my dad who's glaring spades at the Clanhead nor my mom who won't stop swinging her head to all corners of the room with the Lady Isabelle. Easy to tell they are up to someth.....

Found you! Come along little one. Enough with the hiding. You are the reason the Prince couldn't leave his room. Come on. He can't come out without you. A crazy lady kept ranting out as she dragged me up to wherever she had in mind. I was scared she was going to pass out from all the ranting she did without sparing herself a breathe.

On the outside I was pouting but inside me there was a war I was huffing. First she interrupted my thoughts and now she's taking me away from the crowd with no care in the world.

Now what have I to do with the Prince staying in his closet refusing to come out. I mean he can't be shy. I never knew him to be shy. He's a Prince for God's sake.

We're Here! The Lady screamed opening the door and throwing me in. I immediately turned to hold her back from leaving me alone in this room but she scurried off like a squirrel. I was just about to turn back to see my surrounding and understand why I'm here and Guess What?🤷


I met my lips with someone's lips. OMG! Not my first kiss🙁
How could I lose my first kiss this way.😪
I was still lost in my mind with my eyes wide open looking at the eyes of who kissed me... Oh I mean who I kissed... Shoooooooot! I mean who I bumped my lips to... Okay hold on, atleast he has some cute eyes there.

He pulled himself away from me and I realized he was the Prince. This is awkward. What do I say?

I'm Archer and we are a match tonight. He said to me smiling.

Please say something Blaire I screamed at myself from my mind.

I'm Blaire I said almost stuttering.

I know... Blaire. He tasted my name on his lips.
Thank You For The Kiss Anyway. It's the best welcome gift for me. He pecked my lips again and winked at me😳 then tucked my arm in his and we walked out with me going crazy from the inside.

Okay Guys...Get out of my head☺️☺️☺️ BLAIRE'S words not mine😋

I love you guys.

Blaire MarshallWhere stories live. Discover now