Warning: A very hot person :)

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It was a quiet town. Quiet, yet beautiful. Not much could be heard except for an occasional car driving by, or the sound of gentle rain or footsteps. The scene was calm. Flowers on the footpath lay still, damp with rain. The air cool, and fresh, nothing but a slight breeze blowing by you can be felt. You're trying to reach a café nearby to meet up with someone, it seems you're 10 minutes late... hurry up. You continue, the handle of an umbrella grasped tightly in your hands as the gentle drumming of water drops hitting your umbrella is heard, creating a sound that fills you with relaxation. You walk a little more, head tilted down, slowly drifting away into a state of disassociation. Until a feeling lightly tugs on your hair and urges your head to glance up. There's a woman up ahead, you want to look away but there's something about her which draws you in, you resist. You're approaching the stranger, as they approach you. You can hear their footsteps, they're getting louder. There's no need to worry, just walk past her, it's nothing, you do this every day... So why is it different? You're about to cross paths until.
You stop.
She stops.
You both stand there as rain continues to pour down, and suddenly you feel aware of the world around you. This doesn't last long, your focus is quickly averted to the woman in front of you, as you can hear her breathing softly. You can feel her gentle breath against you sending chills down your spine yet warming you. You haven't even looked up at her, though you feel like you've known her for a long time, her presence is strong. You feel as if you two are close, very close. Her breath is warm, she draws you in closer, and speaks.
"Look up, silly."
You don't want to, but you do lol.
Your view starts to pan up to her face; you hesitate for a moment.
You look up.
Your vision starts to go in and out of repetitive blurs, your head spins. You feel a bit dizzy until, she finally comes into focus.
This woman...
she was nothing short...
of an angel.
The first thing you noticed were her mesmerising scarlet eyes, they glowed with such an aura it pierced your heart. She wore all white underneath her idk what it's called like idk to describe it it's like a blue and red thing idk just imagine whatever. Her shoes were blue and fit tightly. Her skin glowed with utter most beauty and her smile was warm and welcoming, it makes you feel safe and happy, like you are at home. She was perfect. But the most attractive feature of this woman standing in front of you...
Shiny, glowing...
Bald head.
She speaks again. You swallow with nervousness; she is so intimidating 😰😰😰😰😰.
"My name is..."
"Bald Kurapika."
You freeze for a moment, trying to process what she- no, he had just said. No... No... NO! This can't be it; this can NEVER be it! The one you thought was a beautiful woman with very nice legs was actually... Bald... Kurapika...
You grovel to the ground with continuous wailing sobs collapsing with every one of them. Today was the loudest this quiet town has ever been. You can't stop thinking about how very attractive this man was as you shiver on the cold, wet, concrete.
"Hey." Bald Kurapika says softly.
"Get up."
You wipe away your tears and pick yourself up off the ground. You can't help but continue to sob. You see curtains beginning to open around the town. People are noticing, people are watching, and you, are the reason why. Bald Kurapika slowly raises his arm. Bald Kurapika's gorgeous veiny hands grasp yours tightly. Now you are both holding the umbrella. He brings his mouth to the umbrella handle; you can see the fog of his breath dampen the cold metal. He does the unexpected and licks the handle. You shudder, this is hot ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ). Bald Kurapika Brings his mouth up to your ear and whispers something quietly.
"Take that back... Leorio."
"wait what"
Suddenly it feels as if you were hit by a truck. The memories come flowing back at a rapid pace, you remember who you are. This overwhelming tension was extremely powerful you felt as if you may die. But then, it stops. You remember who you are. You are, Leorio. You stare off into space, this was a lot to process. Are you... seriously... Leorio? Yes! You must be! There is no mistake. You begin to space out.
Your head jerks up in a sudden.
"Leorio, you never took it back... NEVER!"
"Leorio you were amazing, you were the best, I loved you!1"
"But there was one fatal flaw... you d- d- d- d- d- didn't t- take it b- b- - back!"
"So now, I must take something from you."
He pauses. You're breathe is shaky, how the hell did you get into this damn situation. All you wanted to do was go to a café, you didn't deserve this. Your grip tightens as you stare at the patch of Bald Kurapika's saliva on the handle of your among us themed Umbrella. He takes a deep breath before his next sentence, the sentence that you would've hoped never to hear.
"I must take"
"Your life."
Bald Kurapika pulls out a gigantic baseball bat from somewhere ;) . He draws back the bat, you tremble in fear, you want to run. You need to run. You can't run. Bald Kurapika is just way too hot, you want to lick his bald head, you can't run. Suddenly it goes bright. The world is glowing with white flames that leaves your skin burned. The burns are searing and you are in immeasurable pain. You picture your friends, family, everyone you love and have ever loved in memories right before you. Those memories fade and swirl into the intimidatingly hot buff muscular bald nice-legged figure before you, Bald Kurapika.
He proceeds to stomp on your weakened body, every stomp knocking the breath out of you as you cannot move. You are limp, like you're in ragdoll mode. He then draws his hot leg back and kicks you aside into the nearby rose bush. He's won, you're done for, accept your fate.
"w- w- w- w- w- who is that?"
"w-w-w—w-w-w-w-w-w-w—wait i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i—i-i-i-i-i-i-i-is that?????"
Sangwoo oh beats the shit out of Bald Kurapika and picks you up and sprints away. The hotty Koopipico threat is eliminated, and this town will forever once more remain quiet.
End maybe idk I give up.

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