Chapter three: dinner with my admierer!

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We had dinner and he looked at me and giggled I asked him "what's wrong?" He stared at me and kinda looked away while blushing. He asked me "may I have a moment?" He walked away to the bathroom and blushed a bunch. When he got out he was kinda happy. I just kept eating without looking for a second at him every few minutes I'd ask him if he's alright or if he likes the food, all he said was yes the whole time.

I got up and walked to the bathroom to pee. He kept eating and I think that he was daydreaming about me. When I got out I changed into my pjs and cleaned the dishes I cleaned up the house as well. H stayed on the couch and watched tv. I asked him one question. "What are you watching?" He said to me "Ahhhhh!!! Real monsters! Is what I'm watching" I decided to stop cleaning and watch it and I thought the black and white one was cute. Oblina I think. He thought that crum was cute. I agreed a little Oblina was cuter anyways. I didn't say that cause he would get mad.

We fell asleep on the couch I layer on his lap and he was laying like he was sitting and his head was back
I woke up and saw him and then jumped! I blushed cause he was JUST a friend. Nothing more than a good friend he didn't have any hard feelings for me and I didn't for him. I got up and got into the shower and washed off thinking of that moment. He finally woke up and went to the bathroom when I got out I got dressed and I put my hair up in a ponytail and I put a black and white dress on.

It was time for work so I got into my car and drove to dreams donuts I had a Karen there "I WANT A DOUBLE CHEESEBURGER" the Karen yelled I talked to her in a calm voice " ma'am we are a donut shop, not McDiggies." She yelled at me more and more until she said "I WANT TO SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER!" I walked over to Mat and Mat said "got get a life Karen" she walked out of the store and drove off. After that we had some nice customers come that didn't pay and some that did :/.

When the day was finally over I got into my car and then drove back to my house. I got ready for bed and Mat made dinner this time it was delicious! I loved it, he said it was chicken tenders! I wanted to learn how to make them and he showed me how to! It was really nice of him to do that.

I got into my bed and fell asleep. In the morning I got up and it was an Saturday so I got the day off Mat didn't though. :( so I just stayed home and cleaned and cleaned, until Mat got home and I cooked dinner and we went to sleep, and it was Sunday! We decided to go to the aquarium before it closes for the winter, I got to see many animals and when I couldn't see stuff Mat would put me on his shoulders!

After the aquarium we went to the park and we both went on the swings! And then we went down the slides and I beat him on the monkey bars! >:) he kinda cried so I helped him learn! I may have beat him by levitating ;) but it was worth it!

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