The End

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Seulgi felt a light tap on her arm and turned her head, seeing Seungwan point towards the entrance. Her eyes followed Seungwan's finger and she spotted Taeyong and Dongyoung entering the room. She watched them carefully as they walked towards Sooyoung, handing her the birthday gifts they'd brought.

"Want me to play wingman?" she heard Seungwan whisper in her ear.

Seulgi chuckled. "It's fine," she said, turning to Seungwan. "I'll handle this myself."

"That's my girl," Seungwan smiled and patted her back.

As the night went by and people were enjoying themselves at Sooyoung's 22nd birthday party, Seulgi had not left her gaze on Taeyong, and she must say that she was disappointed because he had not spared a single glance at her.

A sigh escaped her lips before she took a sip from her cocktail. "Maybe I need Seungwan as my wingman after all," she mumbled to herself.

She saw him leaning to whisper something in Chittaphon's ear. He gave Taeyong a small nod and Taeyong turned to walk away. Seulgi stood on her tiptoes to see through the small crowd of people and saw him go down the hallway and towards the staircase.

"He's probably going up to the roof to get some air," she thought to herself and decided to stay back for a few minutes before following after him.


Seulgi opened the door to the rooftop and saw him leaning over the railing, enjoying the view quietly to himself. A small smile tugged on her lips as she took her time to admire him. It felt like a long time ago since she could look at him and actually feel warm inside.

Wow. It really was a long time ago now that she thought about it.

Taeyong heard the sound of her heels and turned to the side, feeling his lips curl up into a smile as he saw her.

"Hi," he spoke, watching her walk towards him.

"Hi," she stopped beside him and turned to look at the city lights.

Before any of them could say anything, Taeyong was quick to take off his jacket.

"Remember last year?" he asked and put it over Seulgi's shoulders, definitely surprising her.

"Last year?" she repeated, furrowing her eyebrows.

"The halloween party, when I followed you up here?" he smiled softly and rubbed her arms gently to warm her up.

"I remember," she smiled back and wrapped the jacket around her, reminiscing about that day when he had mastered up the courage to apologize to her.

"You weren't wearing a jacket that night and I wanted to offer you mine, but I didn't know if you would hate me for doing that," he told her and she giggled.

"I definitely would have," she admitted.

"But, you know, you would have gotten more of my attention," he commented and Seulgi looked at him with bewilderment.

"Don't say that!" she scolded him and hit him playfully on the arm.

Taeyong laughed at her softly. "What? The past is the past!" he argued which made Seulgi roll her eyes.

"Yeah, so just consider me as a colleague and don't even talk to me outside of work," she mimicked.

"Right, we're strangers from now on."



Seulgi laughed even more and Taeyong followed quickly. "We have a fucked up past, don't we?" he stated as their laughter had calmed down.

"The only thing I wish for right now, is to go back and change our past," she confessed.

"Yeah, I bet you regret not enjoying our photoshoot together, huh?" he smirked and Seulgi felt her cheeks heat up as she remembered their shared intimacy that day.

"Speaking of the past," she said, trying to change the subject. "We never got time to talk the other day," she then said, causing him to chuckle.

"Yeah, you seemed in a hurry," he pointed out.

"To be fair, I was tired and starving," she reasoned.

"Right," he said, clearly not convinced.

"Shut up," she scoffed but hid her smile away from him.

"So," he formed a thin line with his lips. "Have you figured out what you want?"

Seulgi breathed out the cold air. "You're really impatient, aren't you?" she half teased.

He chuckled quietly. "I'm sorry."

She smiled softly. "I will," she then said.

He turned to her with a confused look. "Will what?"

"Miss you," she said quietly, turning back at him. "Half a year is a long time," she added with a shy smile.

"But I don't know how things are going to be when you leave for your tour or how it is going to be when you come back," she said and Taeyong looked down at his shoes with a troubled look.

"Yeah," he agreed quietly.

"But as of right now, I just want to forget everything. I want to stop thinking about the past or the future and I want to enjoy the moment for once," she then explained and Taeyong looked back up at her. "And all I want right now, is to be with you."

Seulgi felt her whole body shake as soon as those words left her mouth. And it wasn't because of the cold but because of how quiet Taeyong was, and how he looked at her with an expression that she couldn't read properly.

Then, he immediately grabbed her arm and pulled her in for a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around her. Without any feeling of hesitation, Seulgi wrapped her arms around his waist and hid her face in his chest, trying not to cry as she thought about all the obstacles they had been through the past year.

"That sounds perfect to me," he whispered and caressed her hair.

He felt her turn in his arms and looked down at her, meeting her eyes. They continued to stare into each other's eyes and Seulgi finally took Seungwan's advice and listened to her heart.

So she grabbed him by his neck and closed her eyes before pulling him in for a kiss.

She felt him smile into their kiss and it hadn't even gone a second before he kissed her back. Seulgi didn't kiss him as fully as she wanted to, it was mostly a soft and sweet kiss, but it was a really long awaited one for both of them.

His hands started to roam around her hips and waist and he pulled her even closer to him, making Seulgi melt at the burning heat that was now travelling over her whole body. She slid her hand through his hair and deepened the kiss, hearing a soft moan from him which only made her body weaker.

He pulled away a few seconds after and Seulgi opened her eyes, seeing his red, flustered face. She probably looked the same to him.

"You wanna get involved in a real dating scandal this time?" he managed to say with a teasing smile and Seulgi hit him gently on the chest.

"Shut up," she giggled and leaned in for another kiss. 

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