Chapter Four

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Slight recap in Matthews POV, but more is added on.

Matthews P.O.V.

I saw Anna on the floor. She was rocking back and forth and talking really fast. I could see Nate and his group walking away laughing. What had they done to her? When I got by her side I didn't know what to do so I put my hand on her shoulder. She jumped away and looked up at me frightened. "What's wrong?" I ask, she looked like she was about to burst out crying.

"Nothing just-just leave me-me alone." She was stuttering wiping the tears off of her face and getting up. She looks around, probably looking for Nate and his group.

"There's something wrong, just tell me, it's ok," I say taking a step forward. She flinches a little and I stop. I don't know why she thought I was going to hurt her. "I'm not going to hurt you, let's just go to the library and talk, ok." I try to reason with her.

"No, I have to go. " She says turning around, but I wasn't going to let her go that easily.

"No, come on. It's not bad to talk about things." I say going in front of her to block her from leaving. She clearly needed someone to give a damn about her and be willing to help her. I don't mind being that person.

"I don't want to talk, just let me go." She tries to go around me, but I moved with her. Then she almost yells, "Why do you even care, you just see a girl that just panicked and you think you can help, well news flash you can't, and I'm fine I don't need to be fixed. " She gets closer to me, about four inches from me.

"You seem to be a nice person and I can try to help, I'm not trying to fix you, I just want to talk," I say putting more space in between us because I don't think me being less than a foot away from her is going to help calm her down.

"Well, I don't. We can reschedule at a different time, I have to go." She walks around me. I go to grab her arm, but then decided not to, I didn't want her to feel that I was going to hurt her and I definitely don't want to see the fear in her eyes at me touching her again.

"Ok, tomorrow then," I say as she's almost out the door. I can guess and put to and to together as to why she's so jumpy and nervous. What I want to know is what exactly happened to her, how did it happen, and how'd she pull through it? 

I go around to the back of the school and find Nate and his damn group. "What did you guys do to her?" I ask getting into Nate's pathetic face. He's such an asshole to anyone that doesn't have as much money as he does or that's a threat to his image. 

"Calm down, we were just having fun, Matt," Nate smirks. It was so hard not to punch him, but he was good in fights and his parents would sue. I also didn't feel like going to the hospital tonight.

"Making a girl cry is not funny," I say in a stern voice. Guys like him are the reasons girls hate all guys because they think we're all pieces of sh*t. Now if only guys like him where too afraid to ask girls out, then like would be a lot easier.

"We didn't even touch her, she just started screaming and curled in a ball." He says like it was funny. He has no consideration as to why she might have done that. As to why she was so frightened, I'd like to see him go through something like that and see how he turns out. 

"Nobody just screams for no reason, tell me what you did," I say, he leans in towards me getting right at my level. 

"I didn't touch her and why do you care, it's not like your dating her." Nate spits out.

"You don't have to date someone to stand up for them when someone like you being an ass," I say done wasting my time on him, I begin walking away when I hear.

"Sorry, we offended your girlfriend." He says and his whole group laughs, what's so funny about it I don't know.

"She's better than any of your sluts-oops girlfriends," I say even though she and I weren't dating. I could see Amanda's face when I left and she looked pissed at my comment. Good, maybe she won't act like the school's slut anymore. 

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