Chapter 16: Ziam

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Louis's POV

I wake up and look around the room, woah wait! This isn't my room. I shoot up from the bed in a panic. I have no clue where I am. I gasp when I hear an agitated moan and feel someone claw at my waste. I look down to see Harry sleeping next to me. I breathe a sigh of relief when I remember I slept at Harry's last night.

"No Boo don't leave me," Harry says and I look down at him. He's still sleeping which means he subconsciously sensed that I moved. Awe! I lay back down and he snuggles into my chest. I stare at his peaceful sleeping face and play with his curls until I slowly fall back asleep.

"BOOOOOO! Get up we are gonna be late for school!" Someone screams and a sit up in the bed dazed and confused.

"Stop yelling Haz! Now what are you yelling about?" I ask climbing out of the bed. He's in the bathroom turning the shower on and taking off his clothes.

"We have to be at school in like 20 minutes. Now hurry up and get dressed!" He says climbing into the shower. I head to his closet and then stop. I haven't taken a shower since yesterday morning. I should probably take one.

I run into the bathroom and strip down all of my clothes. Harry is singing some Taylor Swift song at the top of his lungs so he doesn't hear me at all. I jump into the shower and collide into his backside. He lets out a gasp and holds onto the sides to keep from falling.

"Lou what are you doing?" He asks confused. I can feel him shiver as a press my body against his and whisper in his ear.

"I feel really....dirty.....and wanted to take a shower," I say brushing against his earlobe. He gets another set of shivers.

"N-not now Lou. We can't be late for school," he says separating our bodies. Oh if he wants to play like that, then he is in for it. I turn around so my back is facing him and start washing my hair. I reach for the soap and drop it "accidentally".

"Oh darn it!" I exclaim and I bend down to get it backing up a bit so my arse is right up on his crotch. I can feel his member get slightly hard and twitch at the contact. He gasps and I push against him harder.

"Louuuuu!" He says stumbling backwards and out of the shower, "I said no!"

"I know. But you are just so hot," I say climbing out after him, "I couldn't help myself," I say and press him against the wall. He gasps again causing me to chuckle.

"I'm done now. If I were you I'd go back and rinse the shampoo out of your hair," I say into his ear. I give his semi-erect member a good squeeze and walk out of the room. I hear him give a long moan as I walk away. I smile cheekily at how whipped I have him.

~~10 minutes later~~

I slam down into the car. Harry gives me a look that signals he's upset.

"What's up Haz?" I ask afraid. He just stares at me.

"First you tease the hell out of me in the shower then you take sixteen years eating cereal. We are going to be late!" He says pulling out of the driveway.

"Sorry, I just couldn't resist. You are just so sexy," I say reaching for his inner thigh. He slaps my hand away.

"No! No more teasing. And if we get in trouble for being late you are taking the fall for it. The principle already hates me enough." He says placing my hand back on my lap. I sigh and look out the window.

"Whatever. We will be fine. We have like three minutes and you live thirty seconds from the school." I say assuring him. He doesn't respond and we spend the rest of the car ride in a somewhat-awkward silence.

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