Chapter 19: Forever

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((Okay hi guys. This is gonna be the last chapter of this book. I was originally going to have 20 chapters and an epilogue but I just need to finish this. So this is it and since there is going to be a sequel I'm not doing an epilogue. But anyway here it is hope y'all like it. I'm going to start planning the next book. I'll hopefully have the prologue up by the end of the weekend.

Hope y'all liked this book and are excited for the next one. I just want to thank everyone who read this and kept reading it as I put the chapters up. This story has gotten over 500 reads which just makes me so happy. I feel it was a pretty okay story for my first. I'm almost positive it will get better in the next one. If not oh well.

Here's the last chapter you guys. I love you <4 oh and this <4 is a heart. It's a long story but it's what my friends and I do so if I ever make one of those it wasn't a typo))

Louis's POV

It's been three days since the fight between Harry and me and Harry's accident. If you can call it an accident. What do you call it when a whole bunch of guys beat the shit out of you in a forest?

Harry is still in the hospital and I've been visiting him everyday after school. I try and spend the night there with him but my mom doesn't let me. So I just go there straight after school and leave at the end of visiting times which is around 8pm.

He's getting better. All of his cuts and bruises are healing without a problem and the internal bleeding is pretty much healed. They said his arm and ribs would take a couple months to heal completely so he can't participate in any sports or sexual activity. Which obviously made me upset, possibly more than him. You should've seen his face when the doctors told him.


"...and no sports or sexual activity for a couple months. We car risk your bones breaking again," the doctors says to Harry. He is dumbstruck.

"No sex? For two months?" He half asks, half shouts. He looks at me with saddened, bewildered eyes.

"Yes Mr. Styles. No sex. Unless you want to be in the hospital again because one of your ribs breaks again and punctures an organ." The doctor says again. She looks at Harry with this look of "you better listen to me". He just slumps back onto the bed, visibly upset.

The doctor turns and heads toward the door. Before leaving she turns around to say something.

"I'm pretty sure you'll be leaving today, so I won't see you again until you come back in about two weeks to check your healing process. Hope you have a speedy recovery and remember: No. Sex." She says sternly before turning back around and exiting the room. Once she's down the hall I turn to Harry. I go to say something but he beats me to it.

"That's freaking ridiculous! No sex for two whole months. I'm gonna die," he exclaims. He's really upset by this.

"It'll be fine. What's the longest you gone without sex before?" I ask kind of not wanting to know the answer, but getting one anyway.

"Like a week. Well it's been about two weeks now. I haven't had some since the Monday before we started dating," he says and my heart breaks a little. I'm obviously still a virgin and I was hoping he was too. But of course he isn't. He's the most popular kid and captain of the football team. That's one of the stereotypes that went with him, the jock who sleeps with the whole cheerleading team.

"Oh...." I say half-heartedly. I don't know why I was so upset I mean I knew he had sex, just not that often. Harry notices my change in demeanour and asks me about it.

~~End of Mini-Flashback~~

"What's wrong Boo?" He says pulling me out of my daydream. He grabs my hand and looks into my eyes concerned.

When I Said Forever, I Meant It (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now