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(it's a cool morning,a lady is sitting down on her bed seems like she just wakes up, suddenly her phone Start ringing,she picks up)

Shuela: Good morning

Voice: let's meet

Shuela:who are you!?

Voice:I will send the address now (hangs up)

Shuela: This is silly, let's meet?,but...who could that be?(her phone beeps and she checks) he sent the address? Oh my gosh!
(She hisses,drops the phone and walks straight to the bathroom)

(After a while,she arrives at a street named STOP and PICK)

Shuela: Sttttop and pick?, this is strange,but wait (she starts talking to herself) Shuela,you must be crazy,you actually came?

(As she said that,a voice repeat the same thing behind her, she quickly turns back to see the person, it's a guy,a tall and handsome man)

Shuela:(starring at him) who..are you?

Man: you actually came, Shuela

Shuela:(surprised) how...did you Know my name?

Man: I was sent to you by my boss, Pretty Jack

Shuela:I don't know him

Man: It is of no use,My boss needs your service

Shuela: What..do you mean?

Man:Obey(he walks away)

Shuela:His boss needs my service, for what? Who is he?

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