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In the last few days Jaehyun has realized that he loves Jisung, but he is not allowed to do that and that is why he has decided to avoid the boy. But that's not as easy as it sounds. Jisung has questions and would like to get an answer to them, but Jaehyun knows that the boy only wants to aks about the kiss. Which is of course true, but Jisung is now confused and no longer clear about his feelings.

He didn't have any feelings for Jaehyun at the beginning, but now he's not sure anymore. Since the kiss he has missed Jaehyun's closeness and he only thinks of the alpha's lips. And that makes Jisung go crazy. He doesn't know what love feels like but Jisung is sure that he feels something for Jaehyun. He wants to talk to the alpha but he always avoids him. But today he'll get hold of him and finally ask him.

Jisung is sitting in his bed sobbing. Jaehyun walks past his room door and hears the sobbing and of course immediately worries and storms into the room because of it. When he see him sitting on the bed crying, Jaehyun runs to him and takes the little one in his arms. "Hey what's going on?" Jae asks the Alpha. "N-Nothing. You don't care about me anyway," sobbed Jisung and pushes himself away from Jaehyun.

This hurts the Alpha and pushes Jisung even closer to him.
"That's not true. Jisung I know I've been ignoring you lately, but I like you", Jaehyun is shocked by what he said and Jisung didn't expect it either. Jisung looks at the older man with wide eyes and Jae is shocked.
"You like me?" Asks Jisung in his small but cute voice. "Y-You heard wrong. I m-meant I ... I ...", Jaehyun didn't know an excuse. Jisung giggled softly and kissed the older man on the cheek. Jaehyun remains frozen and looks at Jisung.

"I like you too. Very much. I don't know if it's love, but since the kiss I've missed you and want to ...", but Jisung stops talking and looks down.
"What do you want?" Asks Jaehyun curiously, while his heart almost explodes because Jisung tells his feelings towards him.

"Kiss you again, "says Jisung quietly and barely audibly, but Jaehyun has very good ears and understands every word. There is an explosion of emotions in Jaehyun's heart, because his Crush likes him, maybe even loves him, misses him and wants him again kiss. Jaehyun doesn't think twice and set Jisung on his lap so they can look at each other directly. Jisung squeaks and looks shocked at the alpha, but Jaehyun simply presses his lips to the younger one. Jisung is shocked, but in love at the same time. This is what he wanted and he can't believe it's happening right now.

But Jisung respond to the kiss immediately and deepens the kiss by putting his arms around Jaehyun's neck and pulling him closer to him. Jaehyun also puts his hands on the younger man's hips and when he squeezes a little, a moan escapes from Jisung's mouth, which is silenced by Jaehyun's mouth. With the moaning vibration the kiss becomes more intense and Jisung feels how Jaehyun is getting horny.

Jaehyun wants more, but at the same time wants to be careful and therefore slowly tackles the matter. When the kiss slows, they both separate from each other lean their foreheads against each other. Then they breathe in and out deeply.
"I love you Jisung," Jaehyun says out of nowhere and he does not regret a single word. Jisung turns red and hides his face in Jaehyun's chest.
"Me too," he says and then hugs the older man, whereupon Jaehyun just smiles and puts his arms around Jisung.

Now there is only one problem left. Jaehyun still thinks that Jisung is a human and it is forbidden to love a human as a hybrid.
What should Jaehyun do now or is Jisung revealing his true identity to the alpha?

𝔗𝔞𝔪𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔚𝔬𝔩𝔣 // Jaehsung Where stories live. Discover now