BabyMomma Drama

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Tatiana//Tati P.O.V
Location: Zo's House
Time- 10:30

I was on the verge of waking up, feeling around the bed for any presence of Zo. Realizing that he wasn't there I groaned getting up. I go to the bathroom to pee, brush my teeth, and finally do my skin care routine. Going back to the bedroom I check my phone for any messages and/or emails.


Morning bby😊
before u ask I went to the gym.
and there's breakfast for u in the

"Damn he sent this hella early" I say to myself seeing that he sent the texts at around 8 and it's now almost 11.

morning papa☺️
thx for the food
when u coming back😕

Knowing that he most likely wasn't going to respond back that quickly, I head downstairs to the kitchen to see what he got me. He got me waffles with turkey sausage and eggs, along with a fruit bowl. Not even five minutes in of me eating I got a FaceTime call from Zo.

"Hey papa" I say once the call connects

"What's up bae" He says looking down at his phone. I prop my phone up so I'm able to eat.

"Nothin' just eating, when you coming back. You never answered my text." I ask while pouring more syrup on my waffles.

"Uhh I should be back around 12" He says.

I pout "So what Ima do in your house while you there" I say cutting a piece of sausage.

"Just chill I guess. Oh by the way Denise is coming over in like an hour to drop off Zoey. Can you watch her till I get there?" He asks.

"Yea sure, I can get some one on one time with munchkin." I say smiling. The short time that I've known and been dating Zo, Zoey has been around me a lot so she's used to me.

"Ight, well I gotta get back to it. I'll see you later. You look rough by the way." He says laughing

"Akekeke nigga, I look rough cause of you. Don't know how you can go for so many rounds." I mug him sipping on some orange juice.

"You know you love it." He smirks. He's not wrong but that's not the point.

"Okay Ima just let you think whatever. Ima see you when you get here." I say and wait for him to respond before hanging up.
After eating and taking a shower, I decided to clean up the house a bit. Even though these are duties of a wife, I really can't stand anything messy. I took some cookies from the pantry, they were Goya Maria Cookies. All Ima say is; I put Zo on to these. I went to the living room getting comfortable putting on The 100. 20 minutes in the door bell rang.

"Coming!" I yell jogging to the door. Once I open it I see Denise and Zoey. Denise was holding Zoeys hand and she smiled waving at me.

"Is Zo here?" She says impatiently, trying to look inside.

"Uh no he's at the gym right now. But you can leave her here with me. He's gonna be back soon." I say politely. She looked me up and down before speaking.

"I'm not leaving my daughter with some random piece of ass." She says almost disgustedly. Damn we curse in front of kids now?

I scoff, "Look, I'm not going to argue with you in front of Zoey. If you don't want to leave her here by herself then so be it. You can come in and wait till Zo gets here." I said. It takes a lot of provoking for me to get angry, so if she thinks calling me a random piece of ass is gonna make me upset, she's wrong.

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