Chapter 5|Florence, Checkmate

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My servant, who helped me wear my dress, also led me to the carriage we would use. It was luxurious and extravagant. As expected of the second wealthiest family.

I entered and saw my father and the twins were there. Blaine and Blaike were sitting together, and Father was in front of them.

There is only one seat left which is beside Father, so I have no choice but to sit beside him.

I just stared at the night view from the window beside me, just to ease the pain. To forget about my problems.

Even Just for a while...

But then, I felt someone poke my shoulder, so I turned around.

I can't even forget about my problems huh... T_T

I saw Blaine poking me and looking at me with a bright smile on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He smiled again.

"I just wanted to poke you~" He answered.

Seriously what's wrong with this kid? -_- He is obviously teasing me.

It took us almost three hours to arrive at the venue, so I was a bit nauseous when I stepped out of the carriage.

But my father helped me by holding my hand.

When we went inside, I saw many nobles scattered around the whole mansion whispering and eavesdropping.

I even saw someone on the side flirting with each other.

I don't exactly know the purpose of a child coming in here, so I just stood on the side watching my brothers eating food while the duke talked to the emperor.

But then, I saw a boy with blonde hair walking towards me. His emerald eyes stood out and sparkled like a jewel.

He stopped in front of me and held out his hand to offer me a dance.

As soon as the twins both saw us, they instantly ran in our direction.

"I am going to be Ava's first dance!" Blaine yelled while Blake nodded in agreement.

I don't understand. Why are they competing for my first dance when this blonde boy offered to dance with me first?

"I am the one who first asked." The boy replied expressionlessly.

I held his hands and saw the twins frown and sulk on the sidelines.

He led me to the center, and the music started to play. We were the only kids dancing, and beside us were adults dancing with a bit of flirting.

Seriously even when dancing?!

The boy looked at me as if expecting something.

What, does he want to do that too?!

No way! I'd rather be reborn again than do that! Or maybe not...

As I looked at his shoulder, I suddenly noticed Father who looking at us like he was about to kill someone.

Is he mad that I acted on my own?! He invited me though...

Now that I think about it, he still didn't tell me his name.

"I'm Florence." He said. I looked at him with confusion, as he just smiled at me. Was it just a coincidence or...

For a while, I thought he read my mind...

Wait, the name of the crown prince from the novel was Florence, right? And he is the male lead of the novel...

The music ended, so he took my hand and kissed it. I can feel my cheeks getting hotter.

We parted ways, so I headed towards my father. I saw his face, etched with sadness and anger.

The emperor was just looking at him, totally confused. My father kept sighing until I reached him.

As soon as he saw me, his face lit up. But you can still notice his sadness.

I wonder what's wrong. I want to ask but he might see me as a nuisance...

He gave me a bitter smile and held my hand. I wonder what could make Father this troubled.

Alexander's POV:

If he weren't the crown prince, I would've shredded him to pieces. Good thing my cute Ava came to me to calm me a little.

But I still can't forget the offer Noah gave me.


"Hey, don't you think Ava and Ren should get engaged?" Noah asked. I immediately shook my head."Ava is already engaged." I replied instantly.

Other men are beasts, and Zeke was the only one I could trust. But still, just the thought that Ava will get married and will leave me pains me so much.

Though Aiden just forced me to create an engagement contract between Ava and Zeke.

Hah...One day Ava will just leave us...

When will I have the courage to tell Ava about this stupid engagement?

Ava's POV:

I noticed that Father was pacing off like he was thinking deeply about something. Still, maybe it's just about political problems.

The ball finally ended, and the twins were clinging to me so badly. Blaine was hugging my left arm, while Blake was hugging my right arm.

Father was still sighing non-stop.

I feel so sleepy. But because of this uncomfortable atmosphere, I cannot sleep. I just stared at the window, and let the breeze cool my face.

I suddenly felt someone put a cloth on my shoulders, so I turned around.

Father wrapped his suit around me so I wouldn't catch a cold. Though, he didn't say anything.

We arrived at our house, and I immediately flopped on my bed without even considering taking my clothes off or shower.

Dancing and such drained me off, so I have no energy left anymore.

I don't think I can eat breakfast with them tomorrow...

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