Scene Six

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A text from Jen pulls me out of my contemplative reverie.

Are you ok? I haven't heard from you in hours. Did you get my text about where to get the beer? Jen texts.

"Shoot, shoot, shoot." I mutter to myself. I'd been so lost in thought all day I'd totally forgotten about Greg's party tonight. I type back a quick response before jumping in my car.

Yes! Sorry, crazy whirlwind of a day. Seriously the most bizarre day. Remind me to tell you about it tonight. I'm on my way now to grab it.

I pull up to Greg's house parking in the driveway, the back half of my car sticking out into the street. The party's already started but like any good party it's not in full swing yet. That won't happen until at least an hour after the "call" time. Being on time to a party is as taboo as breaking an NDA. I push open the door with my shoulder. Bags of beverages hang from my arms like I'm attempting to win the olympics of a weight lifting challenge. The few people that are there are chatting while they help set things up. I see Greg has already conscripted the new-in-towners to help. A few see what I'm carrying in and cheer, helping unload the bags from my arms. In less than thirty seconds I go from carrying everything to carrying nothing. With my responsibility taken care of I wander through the house looking for Greg.

It's time to put the last party behind us.

He's sitting on the kitchen counter chatting up a tall blonde with an accent. She seems really interested in him and he seems his usual flirtatious self. I grab a drink to give my hands something to do so I don't fidget. A trait I seemed to have picked up from Jen I think ruefully. I don't want to interrupt so I wait by the drinks, helping a few people set things out. We chat about casual things. They're all industry hopefuls, fairly new, maybe a year or two into their time here.

Finally the blonde leaves and I glance at Greg who tilts his head to invite me over. Grabbing my drink I hop up on the counter next to him. We both hesitate for a minute before I break the silence.

"Look, I'm sorry about what I said the other night. Those situations are not my cup of tea. But I shouldn't have taken it out on you. That was wrong." I apologize.

"Andi, we're good. I know coming to stuff like this is outside of your comfort zone. I'm just glad you're willing to try things that aren't easy for you. You and I are always going to be friends. We just might not always want to be friends." He says with a smile.

I smile back. Greg is quick to forgive. Something that doesn't always come easily to me. Something I really do appreciate about him.

"This is a good way to end a crazy day." I sigh into my drink, throwing the rest of it back.

"Oh really? Was there a paperclip shortage today? Did you have to wrestle the copy machine?" Greg teases.

"Actually I quit." I reveal. Greg actually looks surprised.

"Wait. You quit something? Like said sayonara. Peace out. Lates!" Greg asks incredulously.

"Yep. It was only the third craziest thing that happened today." I say with a shake of my head still trying to wrap my head around it.

Greg puts his drink down, turning to face me. "I can't believe you've had all of this tea to spill and you haven't said anything about it yet. Spill. Now." His false outrage is just the boost I need to spill my guts sharing everything that happened today, from the impromptu phone call with my mom to the moment my former boss peeled out of the parking lot, minus the few details I have about this super secret show. Nodding and making little comments all the way through Greg hears me out allowing me to really process, verbally process, what happened today.

I take a deep breath as I finish my story. Greg shakes his head lifting his drink in a cheer. "Girl, all I can say is that it's about time. You should have quit that job eons ago. To the future." We clink glasses.

"I feel like this is the right call, it's just..." I struggle to find the right word.

"Terrifying?" Greg prompts.

"Yeah. Like what if I just screwed my only way to consistently make a living. It's not like it's what I want to do but how can I do what I want to do if I'm constantly worried about paying for food and rent?"

"You did."

"What?" I ask confused.

"You did screw it. But here's the thing, you screwed your fallback. Which in my opinion is the only way to actually make it. You have nothing to fall back on if things don't work out now. You've gotta make it now. No amount of dreaming and wishing is going to make it happen. Not until you have everything on the line."

"When did you become so wise?" I ask jokingly.

"I have always had true wisdom. You simply weren't ready to hear it little grasshopper." Greg says with a flourish, hopping off the counter. "Now you are ready to become a beautiful butterfly."

We laugh at the ridiculous analogy. I hop off the counter putting my bottle in the nearby recycle bin. Turning to him he wraps me in a hug. I hug him back, melting into his strength. It's been a long time since I've felt this much excitement for the future.

"You've got this Andi. And I'm sorry about taking a shot at your relationship status. You're going to meet the right guy at the right time. When that happens I'm going to make sure he knows that I'm keeping my eye on him. Cause you are definitely worth it."

My heart melts in this moment. Greg rarely shows his protective side.

"That means a lot. Thank you." I whisper.

He releases me.

"I'll update the group chat but if you see Jen would you give her the 411? I have a feeling you'll see her before I do." I ask.

"Of course, now fly, beautiful butterfly!" He uses his hands to make it look like a butterfly flying away. I punch him in the shoulder with a laugh grabbing my things.

With that Greg waves goodbye turning his attention to a group of girls that have been watching him thirstily. I laugh to myself as he throws his arm around one of the girls inserting himself into the conversation. I head out the front door as others head in when it hits me. This is it. I either make it or I don't but either way tomorrow is the first day of my future. 

Greg's been the ear Andi needed after such a crazy day but will she succeed and go from grasshopper to butterfly or will her fall back be something she regrets losing? Tune in next time to find out more about this mysterious show and the one shot that Andi's given up all of her stability for.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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