Chapter One

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The storming midnight skies shined down upon me, lightly at first, till the booming of thunder and bits of cast lighting stormed down in the peaceful madness of earth. The heaven's released its sorrow upon me that night, which was the sorrow of those free souls who had finally found their way back to their original home.

The rain came down slowly and quietly at first, like a small bit of mist screaming past my face, then slow and steady like, it grew. Larger in force, and the mix of jack frosts wind stormed through the broken clouds of that stormy night. Even though I felt all wet, and probably smelled as well, there wasn't anything else I'd rather be doing. Three precious moments to appreciate weathers most unappreciated nature call, wouldn't hurt anyone. Especially one who wasn't made of sugar, and one that would not turn into a puddle from a single touch of rain. My thoughts were clear and my body was relaxed, however I only felt the peace, for another single minute before it pulled me off the street, It wasn't a tight pull, more like a gental grab, as I felt muscular arms around me.

Suddenly I felt a little less wet, as no more rain came over me. I could, however, still hear it as it stormed the ground all around me. I felt a roof over my head, however; I felt stone cold rock underneath my feet, that poked into my feet, as I stood with pain written on my face. As I tried to move so that I could feel the rain return to my head, I was forced still. I wasn't sure what it was at first, but as I felt tight arms wrap around my chest, I slowly stroked the pair of arms as gently as I could, allowing myself to melt into his body, as the piercing slow breathing of his breath blew against my neck. As I looked around, getting my vision to return from the passion that was my imagination of heaven, I found myself underneath a rather large black and white umbrella, and could see the fabric of black arms, from the clothing he wore. I recognized the person immediately. Asher. My long-lost friend, friends at childhood, and reunited as blunt teenagers. About a week ago was our first day back to school after a whole three months of summer vacation, the entire time I had been thinking about him, as the summer sunshine lowered me out of the house. I made my way here, onto this street, his street. But at the time I hadn't been aware he lived so close to me, I hadn't even noticed he hadn't been apart from me. And after all this time, I finally found him again.

But as he just found out that day at school, I've experienced some rather big changes, and had I known he'd gone through the same thing I did, I promised him nothing would change between us; I promised him till death did we part, I'd keep nothing from him as long as I allowed myself to keep on moving forward.

As his big muscular arms broke free from me, and I could turn around, to finally take in his handsome face for about the sixth time. His hot deep sliver eyes always kept making me feel melted, even when the surrounding rain was cold, and chilled my bones as I hugged myself tightly with my arms. I hadn't really thought through about the weather. Had I thought through on anything? Not really. But as much as I felt the cold, it was almost non-existent. I was warm as long as I was next to Asher, and as he took me into his arms for the second time, I could almost feel the umbrella lifting above us.

''This doesn't freak you out?'' he whispered. I shook my head, as I placed both my hands on his chest, moving myself back a little, so I could stare up at him, and again, into those beautiful eyes. Asher was much taller than I was, which offend made me angry, cause he was like that gigantic friend that everyone brags about? Something about if you marry a tall person, your kids are bound to be tall as well, and bring good luck to the entire family? School really was teaching kids stranger things than normal?

''Why would this freak me out? If it doesn't freak you out, why should it bother me?'' I whispered, taking him closer into me, as I took in a fresh breath of air. Which I swear smelled like peppermint. Asher always seemed to smell of peppermint whenever I was around. I never understood why, but I wasn't one to complain. As the rain came down harder, but I still felt nothing, except the sound of the rain as it fell to the ground all around me, and the cool depressing wind of the earthly storm as it came around, blowing through my vibrant hair, I felt Asher break himself off from me, as he took the umbrella back into his hand. I stared at him for a long few seconds, twisting my head and blinking innocently, as I felt his soft skin touch mine.

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