Chapter Nine

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The last thing I expected was for Clark to carry me all the way, back to his house. I knew he wasn't bringing me home, the minuet the walking path was different, but I was to tired to complain, and Mom and Dad didn't need to know where I was till later on, as far as they both knew school was still going on. Since the fire alarm, and all the comotion had gotten in the way of classes, the day was still technically not over yet, so there was still time. As I buried my face in his chest, i could feel the warmth of him, and the slow beats of his heart, and for once, I didn't even feel uncomfortable about it. Hearing peoples hearts, always used to freak me out as a child, guess I've gotten better with it.

''Are you comfortable? I can put you down, if you want me too?'' he said, in the softest, most sweetest voice ever. And with a loving smile, he turned his head down, to look at me. As I just whimpered like a tiny puppy, he got my message, as I returned my position. Guarding his chest, with my face. I'm pretty sure I made him laugh, cause I could make out small chuckles here and there, as I heard the sound of crunching grass, he was murdering the insects for me. What a king. I thought. As he made his way up what seemed to be a tiny step, he had what seemed to be, small problems getting the door to open, without the use of his hands, but once he finally got it, I whispered, a small mumble.

''Ruler of all doors...'' But I don't think he heard me. Which was okay, cause once I thought about it, it sounded really stupid, and I instantly regretted it. The lifted air, around one of the rooms, smelled of baked cookies, and a ton of peppermint. Which made sense, cause Clark always seemed to smell like peppermint, and as I buried my nose further, down, close to his armpit, I took a small fiff. To my surprise, even under there smelled of peppermint. What was this guy? A product, used to advertise peppermint scented everything? I thought, as I felt a comfortable surface underneath me, which I secretly hated, cause I didn't want to be let go, and I think Clark knew that, cause he sat down next to me, his lap completely free, as I quickly crawled back over to him, and sat in. Our faces met slowly, as I found those chocolate eyes. He smiled at me, as our eyes connected.


''Hi.'' was all the two of us good muster. This feeling, I wasn't to sure what it was. Somehow, someway? I knew it, it had to be the truth. I'd never spent so much time with someone, and gotten so close and comfortable as I am with Clark. I don't know what is? Has my heart gotten bored of Asher? Was he just not enough for me anymore? Or was this just a result of anger? Jealousy perhaps? Was this my little revenge against him, using Clark? Playing with him, and trying to make Asher jealous, by using him?

No! I couldn't think like that, it wasn't true. As of now, I had no more love for Asher, not even a single bit. Sure, I cared about him still, mainly because I now know, one of us his in for a treat, if those mysterious students appear again. Maybe they were just part of a little stunt? Or maybe they really mean't harm to us? It sure seemed that way, but Clark set fire to the entire hallway? Either way, he revealed himself to them, which if I know anything about superheroes, and I think I do? Hello, Clark Dawson, meet Clark Kent? Like doppelganger, much? As if my Clark didn't have better looking hair. I thought. But was this really something I needed to pay attention too.

Protect the others from? It was to soon to know for sure, either way, it wouldn't hurt to spend some time, watching out for myself a little more, and to keep an eye, on Clark, Especially, as much as I hated Asher right now, he was in danger just like the rest of us.

''Hey? Are you okay?''

''You just seem really quite all of a sudden.'' Clark asked, completely pulling me out of my thoughts, for the second time. I smiled as I ran my hands through his hair.

''Once again you come to my rescue, you just saved me from a really bad thought.'' I smiled.

''Did I? Really?'' he asked.

''Yep, yep you did.''

''What was it? If you don't mind me asking? I just want to be prepared so I can help, if it happens again.''

''Are you worried about that attack, that happened in school this afternoon? With those mysterious students? Their outfits and presence was really strange to me, I'm not sure whether I should be worried or not.''

''You mean the ones who were after Asher?'' Clark asked, with a rather confused expression.

''I'm not so sure it was Asher they were after? Unless he was working with them, cause when we found him, he was completely fine. Apparently, he didn't even know anything was wrong!''

''Yeah, I know. Well, you've known him the longest, do you think he's connected?''

''Its hard to tell, every since that separation, he's completely changed. Its almost like he came back into my life, brighter? If that makes any sense?''


''What does that mean? I've never used ''brighter'' as a word to describe someone before.'' Clark replied.

''Like brighter, like he's different, he used to be so gloomy and hid himself away from everyone......and just before summer vacation, I guess I had enough.''

''I thought it was because your powers came in? You were protecting him?'' Clark said softly.

''Yeah...........that's what I told him. I didn't get my powers till the middle of summer vacation......I just needed some space, and some time to think, plus I was dealing with a lot. That was during the time, my father started acting cold towards me. I was thought it was just because I was growing up, and as you grew up, you stop being close to your parents? I didn't know what to think of it. Mom was really odd as well, always making me wear these gloves.'' I said, looking down at my gloves for a moment, as Clark reached for my wrist, holding it lightly, and placing it on the side of his face.

''Your a goofball..'' I chuckled, landing a kiss, before crawling back to my spot. As he turned himself around, so he could face me better, I could see the burning passion in his eyes, as it seemed he wanted to ask me something. Something that demanded my serious face. As I took a few breaths, before preparing myself, I captured as much composure as I could, so I wouldn't make a fool of myself, depending on what it was he was going to say, and as not to be rude, I locked my eyes upon him, and waited.

''What's wrong?'' he asked me.

''You have that look, that look in your eyes.'' I said.

''You want to ask me something? Don't you?'' As I said this, I could tell he was getting uncomfortable. I wasn't sure, if it was just because I had a weird expression on my face, or it was because for once, I was trying to be serious.

''Ask me?'' I whispered.

''Ask you what?''

As a bomb practically exploded in my chest, I lifted my arms up and over my head, screaming like a madman, as I grabbed his shoulders, pulling him close to me, His face practically touching mine.

''Am I supposed to be asking you something?'' he asked, a weird but awkward smile replacing his nervous frown.

''Clark, your very bad at romance.'' I hissed. ''Since you won't say it, I'll say it!'' As I got the balls to muster the words I was going to use, before they came out, I quickly abandoned my plan, and let the words come out, this time, without thinking, which you know, is probably impossible for me to do, Nessa, but I'm gonna do it. Yes, I'm gonna do it. With my hands still on his shoulders, and his face close to mine. With my eyes as tightly closed as they could be, I whispered my question.

''Will you be mine forever? Be my boyfriend, Clark, Dawson!'' I breathed.

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