Imagine 6: Neighbor

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"Hope you like it here,"said the landlord, Mrs Tolley.

"Like it? I love it. It's just what I was looking for," you replied, looking around your new home.

You just moved to Nashville to chase your country music dream and after staying in a rented room for about a few months now and seeing that you have saved enough while working as a music teacher at a school, You feel it's about time you look for place of your own. Besides you overheard the family that you are staying with complaining about your late night "jam session", while the rest of the house is trying to sleep. So, it's a only a matter of time before they chase you out.

You found exactly what you are looking for on your way home from work one day. It is a small 2-bedroom apartment, close to where you're working and it is has and amazing view of a park.

"Alright, here are you keys and I hope you're not as noisy as the fella next door," remarked Mrs Tolley.

"What do you mean?" You ask.

"Your neighbor. Hunter's the name. Musician too. Very nice boy. EVERY girl who lived here have a crush on him. He's seldom home though, but when he is, You'll here all kinds of sounds coming from his house. guitar, piano to...EVERYTHING. You name it, that boy can play. We have to knock on his door to ask him to keep it down," she replied, sounding a little upset.

"Oh... Is he home now?" You asked.

"Nah. He won't be home till next month or so. But Once he is, all I can say, Just be prepared for endless sleepless night, " Mrs Tolley replied.

"Shall keep that in mind and Don't worry Mrs Tolley. I shall to keep it down whenever I do my music," you assured her. She smiled and walked out leaving you to your new home.

It's been slighlty more then a month since you moved in and you really love the place. You've met all your neighbors. They're very nice and very friendly. Except one, your neighbor next door. This Hunter guy. You've heard a lot about him but you have never seen him. Each time you walk pass his door, you'd always imagine how he'd look like? How he sound like? How noisy could he get? Till one day you stop in front of his door, wondering into blank space. A voice suddenly came from behind and snaps you back to reality. "He won't be back be till like next week or so," the voice said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's just...I'm sorry. I was..." you jumped.

"Nah. It's cool...I'm Sam by the way and this is Andy. We're friends of his. We're passing by to drop some of his things while he's at his parents place. You must be new here. Never seen you before, "said Sam.

"Yeah, I'm (your name), his new neighbor. Nice to meet y'all. Umm...may I ask, is he as noisy as people say he is? " you ask them.

"Well, it all depends on your definition of noise really cos to us it's music. We make lots of it," Andy reply with a grin on his face.

"I see, Well, it's nice meeting y'all. I Gotta run so, I hope to y'all again real soon," you replied and with that you walk on, leaving them with a final handshake.

One night, when you were about to fall asleep, you heard loud noises coming from next door. It sounded like music. You  reckoned he's finally home. You try to ignore but then it gets louder. You can't take it anymore. You went out and bang on his door. "HEY, could you keep it down! Some of us are trying to sleep!" You shouted but No response.

You kept on banging till the music stop and a pair of electric blue eyes peep through the door. "Yes?"

"Hey, I lived next door and as much as I like music but do you mind to keeping it down. Some of us Gotta work tomorrow and are trying to sleep," you replied, angry.

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