'Who sent you'

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Dominicos POV

"Shit- Delilah you don't fuckn joke about this shit are you sure?!"

"Listen asshat we are in two different time zones, it's way to late of an hour for me to be up so YES! This is fuckning serious! GET THEM OUT OF GERMANY AND ASAP! ITS YOUR ASS IF YOU LET MY BEST FRIEND DIE!"

I ripped the blankets off myself getting up and off Emerson's grandparents couch. They were very nice people except for the fact that they had completely put my presence aside 2 hours into my arrival.

I had lied and said I was sent to watch them and evaluate if they were capable of handling themselves or if they needed a nursing home soon... they had gotten spooked and decided to be independent and act as if I wasn't there unless it was lunch or dinner time.

I was glad although my reasons for being here were not those they seemed to believe easily and not question further.

Old people- I shook my head at how gullible they are.

"Alright I have to go now I'll see you when we're back let me fucking know if the Mexican or any other mafia arrive yeah?"

"For sure bro, stay safe and get the hell out of there" I hang up and while getting my shit together I try calling Kieran.


*sorry but the number you have reached is not available at this time, please hang up and try again later*


This was my 5th attempt at calling and I was already out the door and in my car.

I decided to text him, and let him know the bare minimum.


I floored it down the roads covered in sheets of white snow. I pulled up in front of the apartment and all but ran up the stair hoping to get there on time.

When I reached her door I saw it was wide ass open.

'Fuck am I too late?!'

I cautiously made my way inside spotting multiple broken mirrors and bullet holes in the wall.

I reached the small kitchen seeing a man in his late 30s laying dead on the ground.

'Cristo santo, che cazzo' (Jesus Christ what the fuck")

I silently walked over to the living room spotting two more bodies then I felt it,

A cold barrel on the back of my head, the person had a steady hand and I could tell they wouldn't hesitate to shoot if I tried anything, so I didn't. I put my hands up as a sign of surrender I could play this out in multiple ways but I am not planing on being the one in a body bag tonight.

"Who sent you?" The voice said in a somber tone trying to appear as intimidating as possible. But I knew straight away who it was, with a light chuckle I said "damn em I'm sad to find out to you don't recognize me, my ass is nice it should be recognizable..."

I heard her let out a sigh of relief she then took the gun away from my head and I turn around to look at her.

"Shit" she breath a sigh of relief

"Nice steady hand you got there em"

"Yeah? I try." She said trying to find light in the situation as well.

"BABY" I hear Kieran call out from the back room in a slurry tone. "Is he good?" I ask following her to the back room, his voice sounded too edgy for my liking.

The Lawyer Vs The Mafia (Mafia Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now