Chapter 14

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Rydel's POV


It's been three months and I already am regretting this baby. I know I will love it but right now it's a problem. My baby bump gets in my way, I'm always hungry, I yell a lot, and it is a little difficult to play the keyboard when your arms are far away.

On Ellington's birthday, which was 2 months ago, he was very surprised when I told him about the tour. We figured out that we were touring from mid July to November so a small tour with about 2 shows every week. Which means by the end of tour we should have a new baby.

Today was actually the first doctor's appointment. Let me just say I'm actually pretty shocked I could still have kids and I'm almost 30. 29 to be exact right now.

"Valliea are you ready to go to my mom's house?" I call to Valliea up the stairs.

"Just a second!" Valliea yells back. My mom home schools her again because we couldn't make time in our schedules to drop her off and pick her up so she is home schooled again. And she missed so many days of school anyway and she has to come on tour.

Valliea runs down the stairs in a blue top and white shorts with a white tutu. She has her custom made R5 backpack on with her hair natural today.

"I'm ready," She cheers spinning around. Ellington grabs her hand and we walk to the car.

"Valliea, I'm still sorry we had to pull you out of regular school, but you know our crazy schedules," Ellington apologizes to Valliea for the millionth time in the past 3 months.

"It's okay. I still get to see Ms. Becca every Friday around 4," Valliea says staring out the back window.

"What do you mean you see Ms. Becca every Friday?" I ask.

"Oh, Uncle Rossy didn't tell you. Him and Ms. Becca, or should I say Stephanie, are dating," She laughs. I look over at Ellington and he looks at me. We both laugh along with

Valliea, and we make the rest of the trip to my old house. We walked in with Valliea and I walked to Ross's old room. He usually helps mom out with teaching Valliea when we don't have band rehearsal. I slammed open the door and stared at Ross for a minute.

"Ross Shor Lynch," I laugh.

"What Rydel Mary Ratliff-Lynch?" Ross asks using my full name like I used his.

"Are you really dating Valliea' s old teacher?" I laugh almost falling over.

"Valliea told you, didn't she?" He answers with question.

"Yes. Man I knew you guys hit it off when you first met but seriously?" I ask, sitting next to him on his old bed.

"Well, Valliea isn't at the school so it's cool and stuff," Ross sits up and puts his arm around me, "Besides we have only been together for a few weeks."

"I'm happy you found someone," I said standing up, "I know after Austin and Ally ended and the show on ABCFamily ended, you've missed kissing Laura."

"Oh shut up," Ross says and I leave the room. I head across the hall to my old bedroom and swing open the door. The pink on the walls has faded and there's nothing but a white bed frame and a pink dresser. I sit on the mattress that is on the bed frame and look around my famous childhood room.

"Wow, and to think I wasn't almost a part of R5," I say to myself. There's a tap at the door and I look to see Ellington.

"Ready to go?" Ellington asks, pushing his hair back.

"Yeah, let's go for round 2," I say and take his hand. I can't believe we are actually having another kid, and almost 9 years after Valliea was born. I remember the day I found out I was pregnant with her.

It was 2015.


Wow, today I'm 22 years old. I'm getting so damn old. Today, Riker, Ratliff, and I are going to a club to get some drinks and just stay low. Ratliff and I have been dating for 11 months and 14 days now and it's been so much fun.

We arrived at the club and I instantly bought a drink, I downed it and got another. 3 drinks later I was grinding with Ratliff on the dance floor. Ratliff was sober and we toke separate cars from Riker and headed to his place. I don't remember much after that except that it was both our first times.

I woke up the next morning with a horrible headache and nausea. I felt a rush of nausea and rush to the bathroom to puke and I thought nothing of it, except I had to much to drink. A week later I missed my period and then I found out I was pregnant. 9 months later we had a beautiful baby girl which we named Valliea Storm Ratliff-Lynch. We couldn't decide between Vanessa or Callie so we came up with Valliea. Her middle name is after my mom's name, Stormie. Then her last name I decided on Ratliff-Lynch so that way I could still be a Lynch and everyone could still call Ratliff, Ratliff without me feeling weird. Two months after I had Valliea we got married so we were all Ratliff-Lynch's.

~End of Flashback~

All I can say about then, is that we were all so young, we didn't worry about anything. Now we have a lot of things to worry about.

A/N I hope you all enjoyed that chapter. I'm sorry it is 2 days later than I wanted it to be. I didn't have time to write Friday or Saturday and now it's Sunday night. 10:32pm 3/22/2015 to be exact.

Have a wonderful and magical night, day, morning wherever you are. I love you all, thanks for voting, commenting, and reading. It makes me feel good. Thanks!!!!!

- @BookDoOver17 aka Samantha

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