Chapter 21

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Ellington POV

I woke up to "Love Me Like That." by Rydel. I've always had that song be my alarm because I always loved waking up to my girl's beautiful voice.

I groan and get up. I be careful to not make any noise and walk down stairs to the kitchen. I plug in my ear buds and start cooking. By the time everything is finished it is almost 8:00am. I walk to the office and write a note for Rydel. I fold it in half and place it in the door jam of the guest room. I knock and run away down stairs.

Rydel's POV

I woke up to someone knocking on the guest room door. Ugh. I get up and open the door. A piece of paper flies and my eyes follow it until it hits the ground. I bend down and pick it up. I sigh and open the neatly folded piece of paper.

Dear Rydel,

I apologize for me being a complete douche bag over the past 12 hours. I just don't like other men hitting on my wife. You would understand how I felt if the same happened to me and your brothers(or in my case, brother-in-laws) told you first.

Please join me in the dining room once you read this.

I love you with all my heart, Ellington Lee Ratliff

Awe. I put my slippers on and make my way down the stairs to the dining room. I turn on the lights and Ellington is standing their with his hands crossed in front of him.

"Good morning beautiful," Ellington says and walks up to me. He kisses my cheek and grabs my hand and leads me to the table.

"Morning babe," I say as I sit down. Ellington runs into the kitchen and comes out with a platter, a silver one that Valliea played with when she was 4. Once he sets the platter on the table I see on it there is eggs, bacon, toast, sausage, strawberries, grapes, and other assorted fruits. He went into the kitchen one more time and came out with OJ, cups, plates, and silver wear.

He finally sat down at the table with me and before we started he grabbed my hands and spoke, "Rydel, I'm so so so sorry for being a horrible person yesterday. I just felt shattered and hurt that a man dare lay his lips on yours and find our through your brother-in-laws more than anything. I hope this, and my countless apologies that start now can repair our love."

Before he could talk even more I leaned in and stole a long, passionate kiss from his lips, which oddly tasted like cherry chap stick

"I forgive you Ell, it was me who didn't tell you in the first place," I said after I pulled away from the kiss, "Have you been using my chap stick?"

"It was the only one I could find this morning," He laughs.

We enjoy our amazing breakfast that Ellington prepared. It was honestly almost as good as mom's cooking. And that is AMAZING!

After breakfast we snuggled and watched movies. I think Riker or Rocky came to get Valliea around 10am. I don't really know but Ellington had everything under control and it was one of the greatest days of my life, and I got to spend it with my amazing husband.

A/N Hey guys, sorry I've been busy with things. I have two more softball games, then the tournament, then I have the end of school then...IT'S SUMMER TIME. I have 21 school days left then I'm free from 7th grade and I get 2-3 months off of school.

Go follow @Devils_Angels_ She is amazing and she will be putting out some books once summer starts.

BYE- @BookDoOver17 aka Samantha

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