Part 19: The breakup

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"Sorry about the whole almost kiss thing." Michael says rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "It's fine. You didn't know." He points to his neck referring to mine. "Now I do." He says with a chuckle and I blush lightly. "Yeah. Anyways, what did ya guys go and do?" I say still feeling weird about the whole thing and decide to change the subject. "Just a drive and some talking." I nod.

The rest of the day went by faster than I'd expected, I honestly was so happy and amazed to meet Drusmy and I got his number to do a video with him sometime which made me super excited.

Grant had droves us to the airport the day we had to leave, I hugged Leo goodbye since he was heading back home. He got his stuff and took his flight back to New York while we headed back to Flordia. I was gonna miss him but I got his number as well so we could talk more and maybe even hang out since he enjoyed meeting the boys so much.

We caught a cab when we landed and went back to my house for the night as we usually did.

I throw myself onto my bed feeling exhausted after everything that had happened. "That was eventful." Gaeges says with laughter as he places his bag on the bed next to me. I simply shrug. "Yeah, could of been worse." He nods in agreement.

My phone buzzes, I groan before looking at the notification, I sigh and place my phone back down on the bed after swiping the notification.

Just another stupid hate comment, recently they have been rolling in more on instagram, youtube and twitch. Some trolls, some Gaege's obessive friends and some who were there from the begining of it all.

But Lavender, I thought you had thick skin and it didn't bug you. It didn't at first, like when I did the hate comment stream. It was dumb child's play but it was worse this time. Getting death threats, homophobic comments and told to off myself cause I am with Gaege, or for being with the boys, or for simply being a female twitch star sucks ass. I don't know but I haven't told Gaege about them and I guess he hasn't seen any of them himself.

"What is it?" He asks catching on to my not so perky self and I sit up faking a smile. "Nothing baby." He nods seeing right through my lie. He pulls me by waist close to him and we cuddle. "I love you." I whisper enough for him to hear. "Love you too."

A week goes by and I decided to stay off social media for a couple of days except for small occasionally streams. I uploaded my first VR stream with Drumsy and then a random skit with the boys. But today video was going to be a bit more serious.

He picks up after the second beep and I hear his soothing voice making me smile. "Hey." Gaege says with a perky voice. "Hey, umm so kind of serious question." I say. "Alrighty." He response making me take a deep breath. "I would of asked in person but i don't have the nevers." I pause batting my eyes trying not to cry. "Can we not be public anymore like I want to be together but just like say were friends again. I can't with this hate anymore, bitches telling me to kill myself and saying Im a gold digger. And it's too much." I started crying as I rambled, the one thing I promised myself I wouldn't do on the call. "Lavender." He says silencing my ramble. "Yes?" I manage to croak out through my tears. "You're rambling baby. I understand. We don't have to be public. I'll be over in a bit with ice cream and candy. We can cuddle. Okay, babygirl?" I sniffle and nod. "Okay. I love you." Smiling softly as I wipe away my tears. "I love you too." I hang up.

I have the best boyfriend ever.

Gaege shows up after about 10 minutes, we put the stuff in my room for later and head to my recording studio to make the video.

"It's Lavender here with Gaege aka Juicyfruitsnacks and welcome to LavLovesGames." Gaege was anxiously bouncing his leg and give a small smile. "Today video isn't VR or reaction or any of that. It's kind of serious." I take in a deep breath trying to hold back tears. Gaege takes my hand in his making me want to cry already. "I knew the risk of dating a beloved YouTuber like Gaege and I thought I was capable of handling but I can't." I say tears start coming down my face as I look to Gaege who starts tearing up. "For the best, we've decided to stay friends. We will be making content together still but we are no longer together." Gaege says tearing began streaming down his face as his voice broke. "I don't want Lavender going through. So stop the hate comments, you are a real fan if you love and support me. Not hurt people I love." He wraps his arm around my shoulder and kisses my head. "This is it for now. Sorry for ruining your day but it had to be said." I get up and cut the camera off.

I go back to Gaege wiping his tears and kissing his head. "It was just for the video baby." I say taking his hands in mine. "I know. Just the thought of it being real scares me." I smile softly. "I'm not going anywhere." He nods smiling and leading him to the bed. We cuddle, eating ice cream, and watching vines together cause he knows that will get a laugh out of me.

Gaege had fallen asleep while cuddling so I turn off the tv so I sneak my way out of his arms and into my studio. I edited the video from today and upload it to my channel.


I sigh getting up and going back to my room to my sleeping boyfriend. He looked so cute, the way some of his messy hair got in his face while he slept, he'd twitch every now and then from his dreams, and even pull me closer to him when he wasn't having the best of dreams. He was...


I look at my phone, it was a text in The Boys chat and I open it. Damn the video hasn't even been up for 10 minutes.

YourNarrator: YOU WHAT!?

JoshDub: ???

Mully: What's happening?

EddieVR: They didn't break up. No way! They were so happy and cute.

YourNarrator: Tell us it's a prank

Lavender: We went not public anymore...

Mully: Why?

JoshDub: Smh

Mully: What? I want to know

YourNarrator: She was getting hate dumbass

JoshDub: Are you okay?

Lavender: I'm fine. I'm with Gaege rn.

Mully: OHHHHHHH! that's why.

EddieVR: Lmao. Mully you are a retard

Mully: Stfu

Lavender: Thank you boy. Really thank you, I am so happy to have friends like you.

EddieVR: Shit about make a thug cry dawg.

YourNarrator: Lol anytime

JoshDub: Love you guys.

Mully: Sus much

EddieVR: Stay strong Lav. 🥰🥰

I turn off my phone, cuddling up to Gaege, turned on the tv and watched Netflix.

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