Chapter 10~ My luck

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Krystal's POV

Ah, finally it's the end of the school. I want to go to bed right now!!

"Krystal ssi, wwwait for me!!!"

"Hai, why are you so slow??"

"Princess." Seohyun whispered to me.


"Do you know who i got?"

"Not interested. Besides, teacher said we can't tell anyone, just protect him or her secretly."

"What time is it?!" I asked Seo

"Oh, it's 4:58."

"Driver!!! Drive faster!!"

"Why krystal??!"

"Still left 2 minutes until Yoona unnie's drama."


5 minutes later we reached home.

"Luckily i only miss 3 minutes of the drama."

"Princess, don't you wanna bathe first?"

"Nehh, i'll bathe after this."
I continued watching the drama. Then, my mind just slowly went back to just now.......


Why?! Why?! My luck is alllll GONE!!
Why do i have her?? Even i have to take a girl, doesn't mean i need to protect her!!! OMG, i am going crazy. How can I protect her? It will be so awkward

"Honey, Nana's parents are here to talk to you ." That's my mom calling me.

"Alright" Now another one, but at least it's better than that girl.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Im ajusshi and Im ahjumma."

"Annyeong." both of them said to me.

"Well L, you know the marriage that we had arrange for you and Nana."


"And you know that both of you had play together since young. Do you have any special feelings for her?"

"Er, maybe no for now, but later i may fall for your beautiful daughter."

"Oh L has such a sweet mouth. Well as you know that Nana had actually admire you since young"
Of course she had. I had such handsome face and good personality, everygirls fall for me. Except her😡

"We, as Nana's parents are very happy to see that you two make a perfect couple. Oh ya, I heard that today your class had an angel game, so who did you get??"

"Erm actually i have to keep it as a secret."

"Well nevermine, I hope you got my daughter."

Sure I did.

"Well we'l just contact you about the marriage ,ok?"

"Sure ahjushhi."

After i sent Nana's parents away, I went back to my room. Why? Why did i think of her when i was talking to Nana's parents, that's weird......

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