Chapter 3

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Okuyasu POV

"Someone' s looking cheerful" Said Josuke "what's up with you, man?"

"I guess you can say... *pause for dramatic affect* I met someone" I said in a cool swagger voice

"Ooh~ do tell" said Jade, my half-sister from abroad who recently moved here too


"Hey, jade" said Koichi

"H-hi, jade" said Josuke who's looking sweaty.

"Hey, josuke, are you okay? Are you sick? You look red and hot" She said getting close, placing her hand on his forhead "N-no N-not hung at all, nope, nada, ha ha ha"

"Is Josuke having a stroke?" Koichi whispered to me

"H-hey, Oku, why don't you tell us about this special someone you met" said Josuke

"Well, it's that girl who I bumped into today, remember, the one who I said had nice cushy tit-"

"Oku!" Jade playfully smacked "I didn't know you were a pervert! Ha ha ha ha"

"Anyways, turns out we have homeroom, second, and fourth together, she's really cool and smart"

"You could have invited her to sit with us, we wouldn't mind" said Josuke

"I did, but she said no thanks, maybe she has better things to do than to hang out with someone like me"

"Whats her name?" Asked Koichi "maybe we know her"

"L/N Y/N" I said

Josuke, koichi, and everyone else sitting by us froze and stared (have you ever seen Crazy Rich Asians? This is like the scene where Rachel tells her old roommate's family she's dating Nick Young)

"Y/N? Like Chad's girl" said a classmate

"EX girl, remember he cheated so they broke it off" said another

"There's no news of that, they might still be together" and another

"Bitch please he slept with Debbie, no way would they still be together" and another

"Yeah, she's both a home wrecker and a man stealer"

"Oi, Josuke,  what are they talking about?" I asked

"L/N Y/N is a girl who used to be a top student but ever since she started dating Chad, her life and grades went down, and Chad was a huge ass to everyone and Y/N, I bet he bribed or blackmailed her to date him" said Josuke "anyways, he cheated on her last week or something and they haven't been seen together since"

"Really? She never told me that" I said

"Yeah, she's not really the girl who's into gossip or the high school social life, she's only there because of Chad" said Koichi

"Damn, Oku, you better be careful around her, and whatever you do, do NOT mention this knowledge to her, she probably didn't tell you for a reason" said Jade

"Okay, I won't"

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