Chapter 5

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Let's just make a massive time skip, the only reason I wrote this fanfic wuz cuz I listened to those jjba podcast things where the characters go on wacky yet natural adventures and in one, Okuyasu was trying to confess his feelings for a waitress but it turned out she had it for Rohan instead. So when I was in the shower I was singing You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift so let's make like a King Crimson and skip a whole bunch of stuff. This is after Oku got rejected and Y/N is starting to realize feelings.

"H-hey, Okuyasu" I said

"O-oh, hey" he mumbled, not even looking at me

I pulled out my phone (let's pretend this take place in like 2009 or something) and text jade

Hey, is your bro alright? :\

Oh he just got his heartbroken by some waitress who didn't even know him


Anyways, I'm running from this crazy b*tch who thinks she owns Josuke, wait till I give her a piece of my mind

How are you texting all of this
Also you finally told Josuke?

This is Josuke, I have Jades phone, told me what


"Hey, oku, Josuke told me what happened"

"Toldyouwhatwhathappenedwithwhatyouwantsomelaundry" he said trying to walk away

"Oku, I heard your heart got broken" I said grabbing his shoulder "I know what it's like, do you wanna take about it?"

"...okay..." he reluctantly agreed

(yeah for those of you wondering THIS is the audio that got me to write this

"Oof, that bites the big one, but be great full you've gone through rejection, breakup through betrayal feels much worse"

"You're so wise, Y/N" said Oku

"Oh stop it you're making it sound like I'm an old woman"

The two laughed for a bit until Okuyasu got a text from Josuke

Hey, man, have you seen Y/N or Jade lately?

No man, Y

Well long story short, jade was being chased by some of my groupies and then Y/N texted to Jade to see how you were doing so I told her and then SHE said something about Jade finally telling me about something but I told her it was me and she hasn't responded, can you ask them to see what that's about?

"Who is it?" Y/N asked

"It's Josuke, he wants to know what you meant by finally telling him when you spoke to Jade"

"Oooooooh, she hasn't told you either huh?"

"What? TELL ME Y/N!" he said with sparkles in his eyes

"Aw, Oku don't make your cute puppy eyes.... okay fine, but don't tell her I told you this... so apparently...." i

○°♤°○ ~ ♤♡◇♧ ○●☆●○■□¤□■ 《time skip》

"Yukako-chan, what's happening?" Asked Jade

"I don't know, but Okuyasu seems pretty angry at Josuke about something which is odd, but they're like two peas in a pod

"Hey that kind of rhymes"

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU" Okuyasu screamed

"Dude why are we even fighting?!" Josuke Yelled in confusion as he tried to fight back

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