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Jimin's Pov

I was taking a good ass nap but I woke up when I heard the foot steps. I tried to ignore them at first but they were annoying as hell. As I opened my eyes I found Y/N looking over some books in the bookshelf. The sun rays were right on her cheeks making her face glow and she was looking pretty. Wait what?! No she wasn't!! Wtf is wrong with me.

By the time I was fighting with my own thoughts I saw Y/N with a cool looking antique book in her hands. She placed the book on the table. As she opened the book, she picked up an old piece of paper. I was curious so I went over to her and read the note WITH HER.

"We'll be together no matter where we are. Even if this world doesn't accept us the other will. We are made for each other and are part of each other. You are the reason of my existence. And I'm yours maybe or definitely."

For no reason I was reading the words and just wanna continue it because it sounded melodious. Reading in sync with her voice, it sounded addictive ngl.

As we've completed reading the note, the book glowed. What the fuck?!

"What the fuck?!" Y/N cursed. It was my first time hearing her curse on something else beside me.


Not so important person Pov

As they both completed reading the note, the book started glowing as if it was waiting for an incident like this (reading the note in sync) to happen.

In split seconds both of them disappeared in the air. No where to be seen.


Y/n opened her eyes inside the same detention room. "What the heck just happened? Did all that thing happen in my dream? I just can't process it. I'm dead confused rn. Anyways it's already kinda dark. I should head home."

Jimin opened his eyes in his bedroom floor. He was lying on the floor. "What the fuck? What just happened? That felt so real! That was as if I've entered inside a low quality film. The dream was so lame!"

Little did they know, they were now in an illusionary world with no other people beside them. They were precisely each other's soulmate? Yea that is why they are brought here. To realize their feelings towards each other.

Y/n walked downstairs but didn't find anybody. "Probably mom and dad are still at work" she said to herself and went to fridge to grap a bottle of water. Everything seemed so normal except for the weird dead silence.

Y/n went to her room and slept.

As for Jimin he played late night video games.

Next morning~~

Y/n woke up on time, woah! FR?! Nah not really. She got freshened up and went to get her breakfast. She has done all her works on time. WHAT AN AMAZING SIGHT?! She quickly went out of the house.

She's on her way to school but didn't find anyone on the way. "Weird" she whispered and kept walking on her path.

Few minutes later she found Jimin on her way! She waved her hand in excitement because she finally saw a human being but soon after realizing how stupid she might look, she just stopped waving.

"You're early today?" Jimin asked y/n with a teasing expression.

"Yea I'm always early for your kind information." Y/N replied with an eye roll. Jimin laughed at Y/n's answer.

Both of them reaches at school.

"Woah are we that early that not even teachers are here yet!!" Jimin said in amusement.

"Yeah?" Y/n didn't gaf about what Jimin is saying or the situation out there until she unlockes her phone and sees that there's no network signal.

"What the fuck?!?!" Y/n cursed, AGAIN.

"Hahahahha" Jimin laughed out loud. Y/n was annoyed by Jimin laughing out so loud.

"YAAA why are you laughing??" Y/n yelled-asked Jimin.

"Lemme guess why you cursed just now" Jimin said between his laughter.

"Ok continue." Y/n just wanted to confirm it wasn't some stupid stuff again.

"Your phone has no network signal right?" Jimin said with full confidence.

"How did you know??!!" Y/n was kinda shocked.

"Because I cursed my ass off last night when I realized about it and it was obvious when you yelled as you unlocked the phone."

Y/n tsked and kept walking towards the school.

~Time passes~

"Finally!!! Hope I could see another human beside this Jimin" Y/n said in a low & irritated voice!

"I heard you Miss Kim!" Jimin teased Y/n but she didn't gave any reaction and headed to their class!

When she reached there she couldn't find anyone! When she check the clock, it said it's 4:39. IT'S STUCK!

In order to ensure she ran to check other clocks of the school whether it's working or not!

And none were. Jimin laughed when Y/n was running in such a hurry. He followed her!

"Why are in such a hurry?"

"None of the clocks are working! It's still 4:39 in all of them but it's pretty obvious that it's not 4:39 in the morning!" Y/n explained.

"Okay calm down it may be just a coincidence?" Jimin tried calming Y/n but Y/n was a little furious by looking at how relaxed Jimin is even in such time when so many weird stuffs are happening.

"Wdym coincidence??!! All the people just disappeared all of a sudden, the clocks are not working it's still stuck in the time when we were in detention roo- Detention Room!!" Y/n shouted the last two words and AGAIN ran in the direction of detention room.

Jimin sighed and followed her!


To be continued.....

Posted after ages~~~ 😀

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