Chapter 4

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“Commander Lana, what should we do?” Said Z23 as she looks scared.

“Wear your rigging for the day and don’t ever place it on any water, understood?” Said Commander Lana as she gives orders to the shipgirls.

“Understood, Commander,” Said the shipgirls as they began walking towards their dormitory to sleep so they could rest after seeing the yellow light.

"You seem to be troubling my child." Said FDG as she hugs her from behind and puts her head on her breast.

"F-FDG!? What are you doing!?" Said Lana as her face was covered with her blush.

"Hmm? I'm only comforting you, my child." Said FDG as she was still hugging Lana.

"Commander! We have an intruder!" Said Z23 as she was running towards Lana.

"General, a new mission has been added." Said the tablet as the mail icon has an exclamation mark.

"Wait, mission? And did you just call me a general? I thought you called me commander?" Said the General.

"Affirmative, you've been promoted to General but you still have a long way to go to rank V General. This mission is your first job as a general." Said the tablet as it opens the mail icon showing a map and 4 green dots.

"This mission is to save 4 researchers at this location. But they're located at the enemy base, Azur Lane. So prepare a small team to rescue the researchers by using stealth or by force." Said the tablet.

"A team? This isn't Battlefield or Call of duty but whatever… Ok i

I think I know what troops are going there." Said the General as he taps the barracks of the two factions.
When Commander Lana has arrived at the location where the intruder has been captured.

After what seems to be a whole minute Commander Lana has finally arrived at the location. 

What she saw were four men. Two of them wear what looks like a doctor's uniform while the other wear hazmat suits.

"Who are you working for?" Said Enterprise as she asks one of the doctors while aiming her bow at him.

"W-we don't know!" Said the man as he held both of his arms up the same with the three men.

"Enterprise what happened?" Said Commander Lana as she walks closer to Enterprise.

"We found these intruders here. I think they're trying to steal some of our intel or their perverts." Said Enterprise.

"We've been trying to tell you that we were suddenly teleported here! Why can't you just believe that?" Said one of the hazmat people.

"Yes. We were not from this world!" Said the other hazmat person.

"So… you're a siren then. Enterprise knocks them out." Said Commander Lana as she orders Enterprise to knock out the doctors and the hazmat person.

Enterprise acknowledges and knocks out the 4 men.

"Did you heard? We were assigned to our first mission, comrade?" Said a shock trooper as he was walking together with the other 5 shock troopers and 5 other shmel troopers.

"Of course I heard about it. That's why we are being called by our great General." Said another shock trooper.

"Ah, there you are." Said the General as he was sitting near the helipad where there are four Hinds are ready to be taking off.

"Sorry for making you wait, Comrade General." Said one of the shmel troopers as all of them except the General.

"Uh, at ease." Said the General as the Russian trooper drops their hand down.

"As you've heard you were called here because you've been chosen to this mission by me. You also have troops from the ECA to help you." Said the General. This causes shock to the Russian troopers.

"And I that's them right there." Said the General as he waves his hand at them. They responded by waving their hand at him back.

"Please head in the Hinds over there." Said the General as he pointed at the two Hinds.

The Russian troopers nodded and started jogging towards the two Hinds. 5 of the shock troopers went to one of the Hinds whiles the 5 shmel troopers went in the other one.


"So we've been assigned with our mortal's enemies." Said a shock trooper.

"Not now. We are on a mission and we don't want to fail our great General." Said another shock trooper.

"Yeah, don't start a fight with the Europeans, Comrades." Said the Hind pilot.

"We don't want to disappoint our General. And be ready we will arrive in two hours so be ready and hear up." Said the pilot as the sun is slowly going down.
"(Sigh) have you got any information about the 4 men?" Said Commander Lana as she was in her office with stacks of paper on the left of her table.

"No, all they were they didn't know everything as if they're really from another world other than the siren's." Said Nagato as she was sipping tea on a couch.

"... Do you think they're from the unknown base?" Said Nagato as she looks at her commander.

"...its…. A possibility. But how did they got here?" Said Commander Lana a she looks at Nagato for an answer only receive none.

Commander Lana sighs and looks at her windows and see the sun is almost gone.

"Alright, comrades we'll be landing in 10 minutes. Be ready with your gears as I will drop you off and go back to the base. So be careful." Said the Hind pilot.

"You heard him, comrades check your equipment and masks on." Said one of the shock troopers.

To Be Continued.

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