Day Seventy-Six: Part Two

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“I’m,” two words left, “I’m in love with you.” I say quickly.

Adam looks at me confused for a moment and then smiles widely, “I knew that silly,”

Somehow I pull a big fat story out of the back of my head and start talking, “no, you didn’t.” I say, “Well, you could. But yesterday Finn gave me this whole spiel about…stuff, and he said that when you love someone you know but when you’re in love with someone everybody knows. He said I was in love with you. Supposedly I let off this lovey-dovey glow when you walk into a room.”

Adam places down the guitar and moves closer, inches away from my lips, “well I guess I’ll just have to show the world my love for you.” He whispers.

“I guess so.” I mumble the moment before our lips touch.

Soon after it got pretty heated as he licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth for him Adam slowly pushes me onto my back and holds his weight off of me with his forearms. I wanted his body full on top of me, so I wrap my arms around his neck and tug until he finally gets the message.

Day 77

Sex. It’s a weird thing. Especially on a beach. I can’t say I wasn’t really expecting it last night, but somehow it still came as a surprise.

I turn in my comforter to find the spot next to empty. A frown crosses my face before I notice the slip of paper left on the pillow. I pick it up and read the note quickly.


Called you in sick today. To my dismay, I had to go to work though. I’ll see you at 5.



I smile and fall back onto my pillow. There was a light knock on my door and I tell them to come in.

I look up to see Katelyn on the bed right next to me.

“hello.” I say.

“hi.” She replies, smiling.

“what are you smiling about?” I ask her.

“did you and my brother,” she pauses, “last night?”

I gasp, “where in the world did that come from?”

“you’re glowing. More than usual.” She comments.

I blush and look away. “don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” She says again.

“is that why you came in here?” I ask.

“oh, no, I was wondering if you named your kid after me, or if that was a mere coincidence.” She said it so simply, so nonchalant, that it seemed like an everyday topic.

My face dropped, “excuse me?”

“Finn and Adam were talking about your kid earlier and Adam said Katie. I know it’s not Katelyn, but I was still wondering if she was named after me nonetheless.” I was still trying to wrap my head around things, so she continued, “I don’t mean to barge into things or whatnot, I really was curious. Plus, I’m an Aunt nonetheless. Whether she’s named after me or not, that part is still true.”

I stop her there, “Katelyn, you can’t tell anybody about this. Especially not until after the wedding.”

“oh. Of course. I already knew that. Doesn’t mean I can’t blab to you about it, right? Or Finn. Since Finn does know everything I do…”

I just about choke, “um, where did you come up with that thought?”

“Finn and I had talked on the phone awhile ago. After Adam moved here but before you showed up. He asked me if I knew anything about Skye, and well, I told him everything.” I jump out of bed and run to Finn and Dakotas room. They were both still sleeping.

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