E.P. 5 Zwei!

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The camera opens up to see Asher and Ruby getting in an elevator. Asher pushes the headmaster office button. Then Ruby presses all the buttons on the elevator.


Ruby:"Sorry. I'm just so nervous. And you can't tell me, you weren't thinking about doing it to."

Asher:*Looks away and crosses his arms*"... You can't prove that."

After a while they reach the top and the elevator beeps.

Ozpin:*Muffled*"Come in." *The door opens*

Ruby:"Ah! Sorry it took so long. Someone accidentally hit all the buttons on the elevator on the way up here." *it is silent for a few seconds.* "It wasn't me." *Asher elbows ruby.*

Ozpin:"Thank you for coming Asher and Ruby, how are you feeling?"

Ruby/Asher:"Okay, I guess."

Ruby:"I'd feel better if my bad-guy catching record wasn't o for 3. *She slightly chuckles. and everyone just stares at her.* "Okay so that's the tone we're going for got it..."

Ironwood walks up to them and puts his hands on their shoulders.

Ironwood:"Ruby, Asher, I feel it's appropriate to let you know that I think what you two did last is exactly what being a huntress/Huntsman is all about. You recognized a threat, you took action, and you did the very best you could."

Asher/Ruby:"Thank you, sir."

Ozpin:"Now, the general here has already informed us of the events that, transpired last night. But now that you've rested we were wondering if you had anything to add."

Glynda:"Was anyone else with her? Did she look familiar to you guys at all?"

Ruby:"We... "*She sighs* "We don't know."

Asher:"She was wearing a mask."

Ruby/Asher:"And she never said anything to us, but we know she fought with glass. We don't think that was her semblance though. Her clothing lit up whenever she attacked."

Glynda:"Save for the glass, that sounds like the woman I fought the night we met Asher and Ruby."

Ironwood:"Embedding dust into clothing is an age-old technique. It could have been anyone."

Ruby:"Wait, you think this girl is connected to Torchwick and the White Fang?"

Ozpin:"It's possible. But we still lack the required evidence to link the two together."

Ruby taps asher on the shoulder and he looks at her and they have a twin telepathic conversation. They both nod.

Ruby:"Actually I-I think I remember her saying something about a hideout or something... in the Southeast. Just outside the kingdom."



Glynda:"I thought you said the intruder never-"

Ozpin*Interrupts glynda.*"Thank you for your cooperation you two."*Asher and ruby start to leave.*"Why don't you two go and spend some time with your teams? You have a big day ahead of you."


Ozpin:"And Mister and miss Rose, please try and be, discreet about this matter."

Ironwood:"Asher a quick word."*Asher stops and looks at ironwood, Ruby gets in the elevator and leaves.*


Ironwood:*Walks up to Asher*"I heard you made a vehicle and I would like to make more of this 'warthog' as you call it," *Asher stops listening because the words 'More Warthogs' echo in his head.*"I would like.."

Asher's Story: RWBY Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now