Chapter 25 She's Back

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She felt she's drowning from the

sea of blackness but after countless tries of fighting she finally resurfaced from deepest abyss of the black ocean of Death.

She gasped,desperately taking in all the fresh air she could inhale.She felt her own steady heartbeat.She felt her heart pumping and the blood flowing in her veins.She felt her extremely dry throat and her heavy eyelids.

She smelled the familiar scent of seasalt,citrus and apple.She knew Rex is somewhere close to her.She felt his warm,small kisses.She heard Rex's words ringing through her ears but somehow it was broken.Her mind swirled.She felt dizzy and disoriented.A thick fog blanketed her mind but she tried to listen to his words.

"Hey baby...please tell me who caused all your pain?...I can't stand seeing you like this...You know I couldn't live without you...Wake up Kayleigh...I need you and our baby more than I need anything else..."

She tried to open her eyelids but it was so heavy.

Rex stopped talking when he heard her gasp.Happiness enveloped his entire heart,mind,soul and body.He saw her eyes fluttered.

"Baby I know you can hear me.Don't push yourself so hard.Go baby sleep.You can rest.We'll be here watching for you,"he excitedly muttered in between the kisses he planted on her hands.

She wanted to reply but her throat are dry and cracked.She twitched her fingers to let Rex know that she's awake.

He kissed her fingers and stroke her face.He slowly traced her face using his forefinger.He felt the tiny sparks of electric current gathered at the tip of his forefinger.She fluttered her eyes and clasped his hands.After five agonizing minutes of tracing her facial features,he kissed her lightly.She moved her lips and it brought smile to his lips.Even in her condition,he never failed to affect her and she responded in her own subtle but bold way.

"Go to sleep my dear and I'll be here watching you."he lovingly

whispered to her.

She replied by twitching her fingers.Her body relaxed and she let the sleepiness carried her to Dreamland.

Esmeralda,Alejandro,Damaris and Alistair looked at Rex and Kayleigh with smile and tears on their lips.

Kayleigh has conquered their coldhearted Rex.Ironic it may seem but it is only Kayleigh who tore the high and thick wall of indifference that Rex has built over the years even without doing anything.

They're so happy for the two of them and they would support the lovebirds in every way they can.

Alistair smirked.

I love you twin brother but you must learn your lesson for killing Kayla and for breaking my heart.

Soon twin brother your world will crumble because of your own wickedness.

How could you be so stupid for letting your guards down and falling for her even without checking her background?

How could you be so stupid for falling to her trap?

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