Love Hurts

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Love hurts sometimes; but sometimes it's better to do things alone for some people.
On and off relationship; repeating history.
Very few find love; but some people don't find it.
Everything is spinning out of control; I'm losing my grip, losing my touch and confidence, and strength to move forward, but I still push myself to be better than the one person who hurt me.

Hurting inside, I cry; but I don't cry for you, I cry for myself, to gain strength once again and return to myself again.
Use to feel hostage to my negative emotions; but now I feel free.
Running for cover whenever you are around; I steer clear of you because you hurt me so much I wanted to die due to the lies you told me.
To you, I'm just your next victim to use as a play toy; but darling, you'll never get me and you'll never find true love because karma caught up with you....and I'm gone, Hurts doesn't it?... Now you know how it felt when you hurt me like you did... I'm in freedom and you're always going to be stuck in the same place as all the times you hurt every girl you played...but us women are free from your torture and heartbreak and darling, I was just waiting for you to get your karma and it's finally hit you...I'm free from your heartache and misery and I'm not coming back anymore darling cause you set me free while you're still caged in with the pain and heartbreak you left me with... that's your karma darling, so burn!

Love Is Poetry (Book 1) By Kaylyne Hayford (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now