What really even is this.

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I rush into the hospital room, and thank God, he's alive. His eyes were closed, he was in such a delicate state, connected to machines, but still somehow breathing. In the back of my mind the thought was still there, 'what if he was gone?'

All the way to the hospital Zane held my hand, it gave me some type of hope, it made me feel safe, even when everything felt scary. 

And in some type of world, I felt disconnected because that car ride felt like ages, it felt like I was riding to another country or something. These thoughts, memories looping through my mind. The worst part is that I haven't even grieved for my mother really, and I don't even know what happened to her, but it's all so scary. If my dad dies, I'll be truly alone. I have this sister, and brother, but does he really count?

I sat next to my father's bed, holding his hand. It felt like a seen in a movie, but he slept, and I didn't want to wake him up.  Until JD stormed in through the door. (Who expected that, definitely not me!!!) Anyways, he stormed through the door like a sociopath, and started blurting random things.

"You are such a, gah. Of course, you're here first, it's because dad loves you more. He doesn't give a damn about me!" JD breaks a plant on the way in, waking up dad. 

"God JD, dad's half dead, do you want to fully kill him? Can't you for once act like a normal person. Not just the fact that you try to sabotage everything in my life, don't you think there's a reason nobody likes you? I get that you have problems, but you treat people so badly, and you act like your entitled to something. Why don't you just leave before you break something else." I regretted saying all of that, as tears started pouring from JD. 

"I'm sorry. You're right. I do treat people... badly. I just," JD just stared speechless before a voice stopped him...

"Son, remember what I taught you when you were a young boy? It's alright to cry sometimes, it's alright to hate, and hurt, and fall, and get back up. But believing what that little voice we all have says, doesn't change the cycle. Come here," dad patted the other seat next to him.

"It's time I tell you the truth son, even if you're not ready. I had a younger brother; his name was JD. I wanted you both to have the same name because of the guilt I hold over myself for his disappearance. You look so alike to him too. When I was 7 and my brother was 6, we ran away from home. Wasn't supposed to be serious, just a kid thing, but we ended up getting lost at the bad part of town. We started getting scared, and my brother he was a very pretty boy. There was a business of some sort, some man, he would find kids. For bad things, but the fact of it, is that I got lost with him, and a little older and smarter realized something was wrong. Seeing the man, I ran away, but he was confused, I told him to run, he didn't. Until the guy started walking towards him, he took him by the arm. The rest is well History because by that time I ran away. The rest I don't know. I never regret a moment in my life the way I regret that moment. Because a week later they found that man with hundreds of dead bodies. My brothers was never even found. It was all my fault." My father huffs through his words, his eyes tearing, but he did not dare cry.

"I could barely bare to look at you son because you are what I imagine him, you are what he was supposed to be. He's dead because of me, and whenever I see you, I fear I will be the one to kill you to." Damon was his name, but not his soul. He was my father, yet I never really knew him.

JD just left, he left with dried tears, and my dad just held my hand tighter.

"Honey, I don't have much time left. Only around a year, but you must understand that that year is only a mere minute, just as life is. It'll pass and you will live, and you will grow, and we will one day reunite. Just love, don't be me, be you, be you because that's the only way you'll be happy." He closed his eyes again and I cried. 

The doctor came in, "give him some time to rest, he should be able to home tomorrow, he just had a panic attack of some sort, it can be very frequent with his muscular disease."

My father smiled and ungripped my hand, he closed his eyes and I grabbed onto a tissue. I'll be using a lot of these. 


Zane's perspective

I waited outside for Veronica, and it's been hours, but finally she came out to me. "Your still here," Veronica had dried tears and puffy eyes. "How is your father?" I ask and she frowns. "He only has a year left, but he's not dead," Veronica looks at the ground and I just hug her.

"I'm so sorry, how about I take you home" she nodded as I helped her into the black car that waited for us.

Her head stood on my shoulder the whole car ride, as we finally got to her house, and she told the driver to take me home. She wanted a day for herself, and I couldn't object.



cb_coolyriscool (Insta)


May i ask yall what you want the ending to be because im finishing it up and im taking ideas from yall to make this perfecttt

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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