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Connor laid down next to me pulling me closer to him. My head resting between his neck and shoulder. His arm wrapped around me.

I felt his hand creep up my thigh but I didn't say anything about it. I kept scrolling on my phone.

His hand fell between both of my legs and down by my crotch.

"Tell me if you want me to stop."

"No, keep going."

His fingers making a circle around my clit.

Connor stops and starts to apply pressure to my clit making me moan.

I throw my head back and bite my bottom lip.

I tug at Connor's shirt to try to make him take it off. He leans up and pulls his shirt over his head.

Connor moves his hand and slips it into my underwear. Having full access to my clit. I begin to breathe heavy. I look over at Connor and he has a devious smirk on his face.

Connor stops and positions himself between my legs. Pulling my underwear and shorts down as he pleases.

His eyes looking back up at me to make sure I'm okay. Filled with love and lust.

"Are you sure?"


Connor bends down and begins teasing and licking me on my clit. I'm squirming trying to feel more pleasure. Connor puts his hand on my hips and pins me down to the bed so I can stop moving.

Connor makes his way up to my v-line. I lift up my shirt over head with my bra. Connor now has full access to my body.

"I'm gonna worship every single part of you."

I smile and he starts kissing my neck.

Whimpers began coming out of me.

Connor begins making a circle around my clit with his cock; making me beg for more.

Connor slips his cock inside of me. I moan in pleasure.

At a steady pace, Connor begins pumping in and out of me.

Placing a hand on my throat. Connor was the dominant one.

"I'm almost there." I say

"Me too."

With Connor pumping in and out of me I get to my climax faster.

"I'm about to cum."

"Come on baby. Cum for me."

There I was. I oozed all over Connor's cock, and he exploded in me.

Connor collapsed on me. I didn't mind. After all we just hooked up.


Woah. What just happened in this chapter?! 💞

Until next time my loves🤍


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