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"Let's go darling."

I walked into the house and she followed me, closing the door behind her.

I turn around fast and pin her to the door with her hands above her head.

"So you think you can go anywhere and not tell me."

"You found out eventually where I was going, so I don't see a problem."

"This is the problem. Your attitude."

"What's wrong with it?"

I looked down and chuckled in disbelief.

"You don't see it? Your being a brat and I think I have to punish you."

"What are you gonna do?"


I let go of her hands and traced my finger down from her neck, to her chest, over her nipple, to the waistband of her sweatpants.

I slipped my hand in her underwear and began rubbing her clit.

Her breathing hitched and her hands moved to my shoulders.

Her mouth ajar, and her head laying back on the door.

"You like that?"

She nodded.




I put my hand further down her pants and slapped her folds causing her to let out a gasp.

I chuckled at her reaction and put my finger right at her entrance.

She let out a shaky breathe and bit her lip.



"You heard me. Beg."

"I don't beg."

"And I don't punish as a reward. Rewards are earned."

"But I need to cum."

"Then beg."


"You can do better than that."

"Please let me cum on your fingers."

"Good girl."

I slipped my finger in her wet hole and she let out a quiet moan.

"Fuck, faster please."

I granted her wishes and moved my fingers in and out of her faster.

"Oh fuck just like that. P-please don't s-stop!"

"Pathetic, can't even get your words out."

She held eye contact with me and she squeezed around my fingers.

I pulled out.

"Connor! I was about to cum."

"I know, that's why I pulled my fingers out."

"What? you said that I could!"

"I know, but I don't want you to cum on my fingers. I want you to cum on my tongue."

I pulled her pants down and got on my knees.

I put my hands on her thighs and she spread her legs.

I flicked and sucked on her clit. I moved down to her wet hole and plunged my tongue in her.

"Oh fuck!"

I chuckled against her entrance and she started shaking.

"F-fuck right there p-please!"

I kept my tongue there and in a matter of seconds I felt a warm substance fall on my tongue.

I licked it all up and stood up.

"Open your mouth."

She opened her mouth and I spit her juices down her throat.

"See how good you taste?"


"Good, now come on."

I grabbed her hand and led her upstairs to her room.

"What are we doing?"

"You'll see."

I opened her bedroom door and pushed her down on the bed.

I pulled out a pair of handcuffs I had in my pocket from my car.

"Where did you get those?"

"I always keep and extra set in my car sweetheart."

I interlocked the handcuffs around her wrist and to the bedposts.

"No hands."

"Well obviously."

I clenched my jaw and she swallowed and looked down.

"This attitude is getting out of control. You need to be a good girl for me."

"Or what?"

"Fine, I'll do this my way."

""What do you mean?"

I pulled her shirt up enough to see her perfectly round boobs.

I pulled down my pants and boxers and spread the pre-cum around the tip of my dick.

I began jerking off to the sight in front of me.


I let out a groan and tilted my head back.

Evelyn turned her head to the side to not look at me.

"Eyes on me. Now."


She turned her head back to face me and watched as I pleasured myself.

"Spread your legs wider."

She did as I said and put her legs up and spread them.

"So beautiful."

I felt that I was close to my climax.

I moved closer to the bed and climbed on it.

After a few more pumps, I came all over Evelyn's stomach.

"Oh your so perfect."

"I know."

I clenched my jaw and she apologized.

I unlocked the handcuffs from the bedposts and her wrists.

She rubbed her wrists and I took them in my hand and kissed them.


"Anytime princess. I'm gonna go get a towel, I'll be right back."


I gave her a kiss on her forehead and got up to go to the bathroom.

I came back to the room and walked over to Evelyn.

I wiped off my cum on her stomach and smiled down at her.

She smiled back up at me.

"I love you tesoro."

"I love you more."

"I love you most."

I want a relationship like this. 💞

Until next time my loves. 🤍


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