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I was outside of Connor's house. I walked up to the door and knocked. A few seconds pass and Connor opens the door.

Woah. I thought to myself.

Connor was standing there shirtless with his six pack, grey sweatpants, and his hair wet, dripping water.

"Take a picture."

I heard Connor say.


"Take a picture, you look interested in what you see."

"What, no I'm not."

I snap back.

"Whatever you say darling." Connor says with a devious smirk.

I look away and blush.

"Come in."


I walk in his house and it's decorated beautifully. Plants, pictures of his family, and a beautiful fireplace.

"Your house is beautiful." I say

"Not as beautiful as you."

I smile while I can feel my face turn red.

"Ok! Let's start on this project."

"Fine, but let me go put a shirt on." Connor said while rolling his eyes.

A few hours later we finished the project but I told my mom I would be back later. I still had a couple of hours to be gone.

"Hey do you wanna watch a movie or something?"

I couldn't believe what I just said. Maybe I'm too eager.

"Sure darling."

A little into the movie I feel Connor's hand slip onto my thigh.

My eyes began to feel heavy so I laid down on Connor.

"Are you tired?"

"Yea a little."

"Wanna take a nap? I can go in my room and you can have the couch."

"Can we both go to your room?"

A grin forms on Connor's lips.


Connor picks me bridal style and carries me to his room.

He lays me on his bed and gives me a blanket.

"Can you come lay down with me?"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm more than sure."


Ahhhh! Another chapter! Do you guys like bold Evelyn or sweet/innocent eveyln?💞

Until next time my loves🤍


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