Searching For Food and Subway stanchion Part 3

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Daryl Gets a few men to gather and gave them Jobs. 2 people would hold ammo. the other 2 would hold food and water. Daryl says" ok Altair We are Ready to follow you when you're ready... Aurora says" don't go pleas he holds on to his lag... Altair kneels down and says" Aurora I half to go. if I don't everyone even you will starve. and no, you can't come with me. Altair looks up at Michonne and says" tack care of her for me please. she is all I have... Michonne says" she is Save with me I promise you... Altair says" now Aurora you behave wall I am gone. he moves her from him and turns away from her he walks away leading the others out of Alexandria... Negan Yells it's Raining like there is a Hurricane is on its way. we need to find Shelter! and fast... Altair looks around and yells" There the Subway station come on! Everyone heads down into the Subway to Escape the storm... Dog Shacks off the water... Altair says" hey I'm wet enough thank you very much. He tacks out The Subway station map. to see where they needed to go.

Altair says" Says" ok so we are here in the blue

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Altair says" Says" ok so we are here in the blue. we need to get to the Red one so this way. he starts walking... two of the Scouts went up ahead but they quickly but quietly come back and says" we have a Problem up ahead... Everyone Fallows the Scouts they see a pile of bodies in the way... Negan says" whelp looks like we go back... Daryl says" we can't go back with that fucking storm raging outside... Negan says" look all I am saying is however did this could still be down here... Altair says" everyone tack turned killing them. stay Quiet and we will get this done. Altair Stabs one walker in the head and then the other. using his Small Scythe's to Keep Quiet. and to Mack fast work... Michael says" hum g-guys More walkers and here coming from where we Just wore!... Altair says" Nathan Conner Daryl Rilin with me! the rest of you keep going. Altair swings His Scythe's Killing a few walkers... Nathan used his spear Conner used his Machete and Daryl used his Ulaks to kill some Walkers... Altair Combines Both his Scythe's and Yells" HURRY THE HELL UP!

He Spins the weapon with his body Decapitating the walkers by cutting their heads off

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He Spins the weapon with his body Decapitating the walkers by cutting their heads off. At this Point Altair. Was Covered in blood... Maggie says" we see the train Come on Hurry!... Everyone Clines up onto the Train. But Daryl follows Dog... Maggie says" what were Daryl?... Altair says" Daryl followed Dog I am sure he will be fine. let's see if we can't find a way out of here. Along the way, they Lost 2 People. But They meat back up with Daryl. Altair Asks Find anything while you wore Over there?... Daryl says" No Nothing. Let's keep Going... Altair Stops When He Sees Body's Hanging from a Lamppost and trees. Then he says" This Was Not Here Last time... Negan So Is that A good thing Or Not?... Altair says" I really hate your Sarcasm Negan. and No, It's Not Good It's Bad. Everyone Keep you Guard up He hears someone Screaming. He sees a Knife in Michael's Shoulder. and Says" EVERYONE GET BEHIND SOMETHING!... Everyone Tried to get Behind something. But Here Was Too Many Of them Manney Either Died or Gat Separated...

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