Bringing The Stranger Home And Uneasy Feeling Part 21

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Ashley Says" Yah, Yah Whatever She heads into the Storage room where She was Keeping her things... Negan Says" Hay Altair I Found Some Meds for Auroras Ear Infection... Altair Tacks it and says" th-thanks I Still Don't Trust you though. Altair puts the meds in his pocket he keeps Watch as the walkers Started coming... Ashley says" I have what I need... Negan Says" All done here... Altair says" Let's Go then He moves Towers the Walkers. Altair Cuts them Down With his Scythes Demonstrating his Strength and the Brought skill he had with that Weapon... Negan Bashes one of the. Walker's skulls in with his crowbar... Ashley head to be Carful she only had a Knife. She kicks one down and stabs the other in the head with her knife. then she Quickly followed the other two... Altair says" let's get moving before more shows up. he leads them home. Some Were Along the way They Had to Cover themselves in Walker Guts. As Some walkers Started Showing up in Lag Groups. But once they wore Safe, They Get Most of it off Altair says" I See Alexandria Come on... Carol and Wolf Open the Gate (others Note Wolf Was Allowed To be there as long as he didn't Hurt anyone Wolf wasn't As Violent as the Other Reapers) ... Carol Good to see You made it Back and How is this?... Negan Says" She Clams to Be Auroras Older sister. So, Altair Brough her with us to Find out... Wolf Says" Do you Want Me to get Daryl Sir?... Altair Says" yes And Tell him To Bring Aurora I have Medicine for her Ear... Wolf says" as you wish sir, He Walks away heading Towards Daryl's Trailer... After a few minutes, Wolf Comes back with Daryl and Aurora. Wolf asks" is there anything ales you want me to do... Altair says" no you may Rest you have earned it... Wolf says" thank you Sir I will be in the small house if you need me. he walks away... Aurora cries and says" Dad my ear hurts... Altair kneels down and says" I know baby He tacks the medicine out of his Pockets he opens it. and gets a pill for her to tack Altair says" this will help here... Aurora tacks the medicine and says" I hope it helps it really hurts. D-Dad How's That?... Altair Says" She Clams to be your sister... Daryl Looks Down at Aurora wondering if she would even remember having a sister... Altair says" looks at the woman and says" tell her your name. let her hear your Voice... Wen Ashley Saw Aurora, she Knew it was her sister. It Bothered her she called this Man her father. She Could only Hope Her sister would Remember her. Ashley Says" Hay Aurora I am Glad to see that you Serviced... Aurora Says" I. I remember you. You Ran You Left Me alone She was still crying... Ashley Says" Dad Told me to Run I thought you Wore behind me. I didn't Mean to Leave you behind. When I Realized you weren't with me, I ran back to get you but you wore gone. I Thought the Worst head Happened. But I kept Looking For you anyways. How Did you end up With Altair and Why do you call him Dad? if you know Our Parents are gone?... Aurora says" when you Ran, He and Maggie Found me and saved me. He took Care of me. And he lets me call him dad. He was always there when I needed him... Ashley Says" Altair Pleas I want to stay with my sister. Please... Altair says" that's Not up to me I am not the Leader of this Group. the Group I am The Leader of The Other Group of the Other Group that Is Next to this Place Wolf Is A part of that Group But he's Not as Violent With is why he's Allowed to stay here... Daryl Says" I'll Go get Rick He Walks Away... Altair Says" Aurora, I want you to Go Back inside The Trailer the Wind Will only Hurt your Ear more I'll be there Later Alright?... Aurora says" Alright she walks Back to Daryl's Trailer and Go's Inside... Ashley Wanted to Fallow her sister She Still didn't Trust this Man... 

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