Chapter Two

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There was nothing more than the sound of Shouta's phone going off during his most needed few hours of sleep that he hated.

The harsh bring of it scraping against his bedside table made him want to do nothing more than throw it across the room. But, there was only a handful of people who knew his number, so only a handful of reasons he'd been called.

One: The Agency needed him.

Two: There was an emergency at UA.

Three: The Detective needed him.

Four: There was an emergency with his friends. (They knew better)

Five: Akira was contacting him.

So, it was probably important. 

He slapped the table a few times in attempt to locate the head-shattering device, not even looking at the Caller ID before pressing it to his ear and clicking the horrendous green answer button. 


"Aizawa. Go."

There was a sniffle on the other side, catching him by surprise. "A-Aizawa? I'm calling about the Kitten you brought by a few hours back."

Shouta sat up, eyes snapping open and body switching on. Akira always waited until she knew he was awake to call if one of his cats had been adopted, so this wasn't a merry call. 

"What's wrong?"

She let out a rattled breathe, and Shouta pushed out his bed. 

"Himura arrived a few minutes after you left. The kitten attacked and refused to let us near him, so we had to sedate him to assess his injuries. He's okay, by the way. Mostly. He's malnourished and dehydrated, a few minor scratches here and there. We clipped his nails too, and bathed him. In the right light, he's a dark green, not black."

There was a sadness to her light humour, and she released another exhale before continuing.

"We called everyone we can, no one wants to rehabilitate him. Most cases of a feral Kitten don't become docile and end up on the streets not long after adoption. The shelter can't home him, he's too much of a risk according to the boss."

"What do you mean?" Shouta felt his back tense, anger bubbling over concern as he rushed to pull his shoes on. 

"I'm sorry Aizawa, but he cannot be re-homed. Unless you take him back with you, we will have no choice but to euthanize him.

Looking back at the quiet apartment, where nothing looked back at him, Shouta nodded to himself. "Can you hold into him for a few hours? I need to get a few things."


Shouta's Stray was still asleep by the time he'd gotten home. Hizashi had agreed to cover his lessons, Shouta using one of his many - many - sick days he'd stock piled. 

Very little had actually changed, but Shouta couldn't help but feel his apartment was now a home. 

He was never one for little trinkets, he'd bounced from foster home to foster home growing up, and had learned quickly that it was much easier not to get attached to things. Hence, his three framed photo's and maximum ten cat trinkets (all gifted to him) were the only things besides the books on his shelves. 

Now though, he had more than just his furniture - including a cat climbing frame, a cat bed in his room and the living room, cat bowls in the kitchen, and a small box of cat toys besides his television. 

Everything he could find and afford for his kitten.

Sighing as he locked his door, toeing off his shoes, Shouta gently put the cat carrier on the floor, crouching besides the bed. It had a small green blanket on top, a little dimmer than the cats eyes. 

Making sure the sleeping kitten was in a comfortable position, he put all the Kittens medicine - Akira had told him what he needed - in the cupboard and filled the bowls with water. Hidden under the table was a litter box, another in the bathroom. Shouta had everything for his new house mate.

Yawning, he dropped onto his sofa, lying on his back with one arm tucked under his head, a pillow cushioning him. He hadn't meant to fall asleep, he really hadn't, but blinking had become increasingly more difficult and he seemed to be in darkness longer than in his living room.

So, imagine his shock when he woke up.

Onyx eyes met green, and both were frozen.

The Stray was stood atop Shouta chest, head tilted slightly and circle pupilled, one paw a inch from Shouta's nose, claws hidden safely in the fur.

Akira was right, in the mid-day glow, he was a dark shade of green.

"Morning." Shouta grumbled, and the kitten's pupils slit, heckles raising as he shot off, hiding beneath the coffee table. Shouta sat up, stretching with a yawn. The Kitten wasn't snarling, and his claws weren't out, but he was still weary.

Shouta understood. 

"You hungry?" He stood up, realising the Stray was following a few metres back, head down and weary. 

Akira had said only to give him a little, since he wouldn't be used to secure and proper meals. Didn't want to make the Kitten sick. 

Putting a mix of wet and dry food in the bowl, he crouched down, placing it down and pushing it along the tiles to the kitten, holding his hands up when he received a glare. 

"I'll stay here." 

After sniffing for a minute, he greedily ate, looking up between bites, snarling as though Shouta would take it away. 

The Hero didn't move until he was finished.

He scooted the water over, and the Kitten acted the same as he drank by the tongue-scoop full. 

Once he retreated, Shouta and moved the food bowl, leaving the water. He walked into the living room, turning on the television in the background.

It was a call to inform they were closing the Midoriya case. Shouta remembered when it happened - they were told to be on the look out for Hisashi Midoriya. He'd killed his wife and his son had gone missing. The Underground Hero remembered looking around for months, searching for the lost three-year-old, before he'd been formally told by the Agency to stop. 

Now, after two and half years, it was officially a cold case.

The Stray yowled as the news went on, and Shouta looked in alarm, to see the Kitten dive into the bed woke from, burying beneath the blanket. 

Shouta sighed.

"I know, it's just not right."

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