Fisrt Day

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I opened the door and was shocked at who I saw standing right in front of me. It was Kim!

"Hey babe!" she said with huge excitement.

"KIIIIIIMMMMMM!!!!!" I yelled, as I tackled her in a hug.

"Haha, it's great to see you too. I was wondering if you guys wanted to walk to school with me?" Kim asked politely.

"Thanks for the offer but I have a license now so we'll be driving to school. You're welcome to come with us if you'd like." said my cousin Trish.

"Oh, thank you" Kim said with great relief that she didn't have to walk all the way to school and back anymore.

We climbed into Trish's bright red 1991 Mustang GT convertible. Mine and kim's favorite song "No Tears Left To Cry" by Ariana Grande came on and we started dancing and singing in our seats on the way to school. Trish and I had lockers that were right next to each other, and right accross from Kim's. I grabed my books and went to first period, (mythology). That's my favorite subject of all time, (well besides creative writing). I chose my seat in the very first row, the closest seat to the teacher, (Mr Vargas). This boy walked in late and said he was new to seaford so he got lost. I think he said his name was Jordan, but then again I wasn't paying attention. Mr. Vargas sat him right next to me as his permenent seat.

'Great, I hope the teacher doesn't make me help him.' I thought to myself.

After Mr. Vargas gave us our assignment for today, I made sure no one was looking at me. I slipped my headphones in my ears and put on some music to block out any distracting noise. Now can focus on my assignment. All of a sudden Mr. Vargas put his hand on my desk, so I quickly my headphones out.

"No headphones in cass Ms. Rodriguez" he said demandantly.


"Do you mind doing me a huge favor?" he asked.

"No, not at all"

"Good, I will need you to help the new student with today's lesson because he doesn't quite understand it" he said, eyes filled with concern.

"Sure, I don't see why not." I said, lying to him. This is exactly what I was afraid of, a new kid who's probably gunna bother me for everything since I'm the smart one.

"Thank you Moana" he said, slowly walking back to his desk.

I was shocked when I looked up. The new kid was really cute. Tall, a little tan, beautiful brown hair, hazel eyes that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

'Focus Moana!' I yelled in my head.

I helped him with what he needed and went back to my work. I never got his name though. After that, the day went really good. Well, untill lunch time...


My alarm didn't go off when it was suppose to so I was late to first period. I walked in and told my teacher what happened.

"That's alright, just don't let it happen again." he said. "Your assigned seat will be here" he pointed at a seat next to a pretty girl.

I sat down and looked at my neighbor with the corner of my eye. She was beautiful. She was tan, brown curly hair, Cat Eye eyeliner, short (I love short girls), petite, dressed in all pink, looks like she's a fiesty one, I like that. I didn't pay attention so I asked for help and the teacher asked the girl to help me. He said her name was Moana, that sounds beautiful. It means "ocean" in Hawaii. I wonder if she's Hawaiian.

When she talked to me her voice was sweet and soft, like a teddy bear, I think. She was a nice person, but it kinda looked like she was annoyed by me, but why? When she looked at me I instantly fell in love with her beautiful brown eyes. My stomach tied in knots and I almost stoped breathing because of how beautiful she was.

'Focus Jack!' I yelled in my head.

She helped me with what I needed and then she went back to her work. I forgot to tell her my name though. After that, the day went really good. Well, untill lunch time...


I had just gotten my lunch and when someone really tall bumped into me and spilled my food and their food all over me. Now, I'm mad. I looked up to see who it was and it was that stupid new kid from this morning.

"I'm so sorry Moana!" he said, looking down on me with sad, guilty eyes. The way he looked at me was so cute. I couldn't possibly stay mad at those puppy dog eyes.

"It's okay." I looked at him and smiled.

"What?" He asked confused

"I said, it's okay. It was an accident, it's not that big of a deal." I said, still smiling.

"But your clothes.."

"I have spare clothes in my locker. This isn't the first time someone has spilled food on me and it probably won't be the last. I'll be fine" I explained.

"No, I'll make it up to you, I promise." He demanded

"You don't have to" I said calmly.

"But I want to" he demanded

"Alright, well I'm going to go change. What's your name again?" I asked.


"Well then, see you around Jack." I smiled, then I walked away...

After the last bell I went to dance with my dance captain Jerry Martinez. We all took turns showing him our dance moves. When it was my turn, I danced to "Brrraaattt" by Nick Minaj.

When I was finished everyone clapped for me. I made the biggest smile I could. When I got home I burst through the door, almost knocking it off its hinges. I grabbed Linda and hugged her as tight as I could.

"I MADE THE DANCE TEAM!" I shouted as we excitedly screamed together in unison.

"That's great Moana! What about you Trish?" said Linda

"Naw, I didn't want to" she said

"oh.." said Linda with disappointment.

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