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Mar worked hard to always give y/n the best public coverage she could and always stuck to what the girl was comfortable with instead of what would bring them the most money or social presence which only happened because Marcella was practically part of y/n's family. She was so good at her job and y/n really did trust her that's why she had allowed her to go ahead with the silly plan of getting y/n someone to pretend to date to give a better impression in preparation for the release of the movie.

"Okay, um," She paused, taking a longer look at her clean looking iPad, then placing it down on the table to return her gaze to y/n. "Sorry it took me this long to get back to you, love." Mar apologised earning a forgiving smile from her client, it had only been a couple of days since the meeting with Adam so, in theory, she was still pretty quick at getting back to her. "But turns out finding an age-appropriate, nice and polite guy that's equally desperate for good press as we are is quite the task." Mar sighed.

"I don't know what you're on about. The film industry is made of age-appropriate, nice and polite guys desperate for good press." Darcy said sarcastically causing the two other women on the table to let out sincere, easy chuckles. "No, but for real though. Do you have good news?" She asked in a more serious tone.

"Sure do," Mar smiled widely. "It took some deep digging but I found the perfect candidate." She grabbed her iPad once more, unlocking it to fiddle with the screen before handing it to y/n. Upon landing her pupils on the screen she felt as if her head had spun a couple of times a bit too fast in the same way it does in cartoons and consequently she started to feel nauseous the longer she stared at the pair of piercing seafoam-coloured irises that stared back at her with an intensity that made her feel slightly uncomfortable for how intimate the one-sided staring contest was. Could she have a staring contest with a digital picture?

"Absolutely not." Spoke finally y/n, her head shaking side to side in denial.

"What? Why? Who is it?" Darcy hurried out, hands clumsily taking the device from y/n. "Oh boy." Y/n's friend breathed out. "Um, well... huh." Darcy's face went through so many emotions as she swiped across the screen most likely getting more photos of the guy. "Shit, chummy. I know we don't like him but," she interrupted herself with a gasp, quickly turning the iPad's screen in y/n's way.

"Don't." Y/n dignifyingly put her hand up covering her view of the screen.

"I-i'm sorry, I'm a bit lost, girls." Mar stuttered, shifting nervously on her seat. "Is there something about him that I don't know of?"

"Marcella, do you remember we have a list of people, brands, papers/magazines and sites that have talked ill of y/n?" The list was unnecessarily long and since the week had started Darcy had added at least six more names to it.

"Oh." Mar pressed her lips together into a thin line. "Has he...?" She didn't even finish the question when both Darcy and y/n nodded their heads. "God, why is everyone so mean to you?"

"Because I'm such a bitchy nymphomaniac-alcoholic-druggie, difficult actress. Haven't you been following the train wreck that is my career?" Her arms folded annoyed at how everything just kept getting worse by the minute.

"I don't believe it. He seems like such a sweet guy, no one has anything bad to say about him." Mar whined defeated, planting one elbow on the table and resting her forehead on her hand. The woman looked extremely concerned it almost made y/n feel bad for her, if Mark wasn't such a horrible man y/n's career wouldn't be that messed up and Mar wouldn't be having to clean anything up. "You can't really trust any man, can you?"

"Right!? It's part of my life motto. Fear no bitch, trust no man." Darcy said finally putting the iPad down. "I hate to say this girls, but we have no other choice. The emails we've been getting from Adam are getting a bit hostile."

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