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The afternoon of her fake date with Harrison she sat on her living room floor while Mar and Darcy went through the articles. Unlike her, y/n refused to look at them or even peek at the comments on her social media, she didn't feel ready to see herself with him.

As much as it pained y/n to admit, it had worked. The online coverage of their first outing was insane, far greater than it was when she was with Mark not to mention far more positive. Of course, there were bitchy comments and articles here and there but for the most part, her fans only caved into the positive ones. She figured they were just as tired of the bad press as she was.

Avoidance lasted just a couple of days, the pictures haunted her every time she picked up her phone just to find a google alert with her name or when she turned on the TV or tried to catch on with her mums Instagram Stories. They were everywhere and the first time she saw them her chest tightened.

Harrison smiling at her as he stood by the table, him taking a seat next to her, him pressing a kiss to her temple, her head resting on his arm. All particularly clear as if the pictures weren't taken through windows. Him walking her away from the paparazzi, some up close to their faces where she could see every detail of her face... of his face. So close she could see how his fingers dug onto the softness of her waist, pads touching the exposed skin between her top and trousers.

She swallowed at the sight, shaking her head and straightening up in her seat when she vividly felt his touch still lingering on the dip of her ribs. His eyes focused on Darcy flashed before her and that was enough for her to blink back to reality and compose herself. She didn't bother on reading any sort of comment, the pictures had been enough plus, she didn't want her make-up artist to see her reading articles about herself, that'd be next-level embarrassing.

The room was filled with people, between the hair and make-up team, publicists, agents, camera crew and interviewers the hotel room was packed making the space seem smaller than it actually was. The brightness of the softboxes illuminating her and the director was blinding and the heat they radiated annoyingly was making her upper lip sweat. Between half-arsed questions about the movie that the director was throughout and rambly about and very specific ones about y/n's "new relationship" which she dismissed by saying she was there to promote the movie and not her relationship.

It was weird to say the words "my relationship" when she didn't actually have a relationship with anyone yet it felt oddly satisfying to see the interviewers faces when she didn't deny there was someone but wouldn't elaborate on them. It had been long since the attention the media gave her wasn't linked to Mark and she was both relieved and annoyed about it. She was relieved that they had finally shifted their narratives but annoyed that it was because of Harrison.

Why was Mark being replaced by Harrison worth articles upon articles but her later achievements weren't? She hated it so much more now that when she was sixteen starting to with her role on Cold Waters, the work was demanding but the majority of the people she met back then were nice to her, even Mark was nice back then. A call for a break from one of the agents pulled her back to reality, her eyes blinked a couple of times adjusting back to the present time and focusing on the lady in front of her.

"Congrats on your nice beau," The interviewer beamed at y/n. "I've met him once before and he's a total darling." A smile was offered to y/n and she returned it, giving the woman a nod before she left the chair with her notebook clutched to her chest. Y/n watched her stepped out of the little set before the cameras and have a few words with the people in charge of the footage as she got de-microphoned but one of the sound guys. She had met him once before too, and he was far from being a "darling", everyone kept saying nice things about him and she just didn't get how all those people considered Harrison a nice person.

𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐬 〖 𝐰/ 𝐡𝐚𝐳 𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 〗Where stories live. Discover now