david x trans! reader

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(ur a camp counsellor)

[[you coming out to david]]

"and that concludes why you shouldn't be filling space kids helmet up with spiders!" david finished up his little "lesson" to the campers, who shrugged and walked away.

he couldn't help but notice you looking bothered. your head was buried in your hands and you seemed like you had something on your mind. he took a deep breath and walked towards you.

"____, are you okay?" he sat down next to the bench next to you. you looked up at him.

"i'm not sure..." his stomach dropped at this. he put his hand on your back.

"____, tell me what's wrong. you look very bothered." his voice soothed you a little. you sighed.

"can we um... go to the counsellors cabin? there's something i need to tell you." your smiles at him.

"of course!" he beamed. immediately jumping up from the bench, letting you walk ahead while you fidgeted with your hands nervously.

- counsellors cabin -

david shut the door behind you as you sat on the squeaky bed.

"so, what is it you wanted to tell me?" david walked towards you and squatted down so you two were eye to eye.

"i... um...." your eyes darted to look at anything but david.

"i won't judge you at all. okay? just tell me when you're ready." david smiled, you took a deep breath.

"david. i'm trans. my- um- new name is y/n. i'm sorry if it's too much but could you tell the others? i don't think i can-"

before you could finish, david brought you into a tight hug.

"i'll always love you for who you are. of course i'll tell the others right away. thank you so much for telling me." he whispered in your ear. you hugged him back. 


sorry it's short <3 -L

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