david x male! reader

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season 4 spoilers xoxo (requested by 

"nurf put the fucking knife down! space kid stop putting syrup in your helmet! NIKKI THE TABLE ISN'T FUCKING EDIBLE!" you were put in charge of the campers for the day as gwen was sick and david went missing. 

all you could think about was him. where was he?

"preston if you sing 'aaron burr, sir' i will recreate the duel between burr and hamilton with you in real life and you will be hamilton." you gave preston a death stare.

you sat down at the table with a long, dramatic sigh. 

only 10AM and my head is pounding. how did david manage this on his own?

"y/n. where's david?" nerris tugged one your leg.

"i dunno, plus why are you under the table nerris?" you leaned back to look down at nerris.

"harrison is gonna k-"

"oh sweet jesus." you put your hands on your head.

"if i take you guys to the lake to swim would you kindly give me a minutes peace?" the children said 'yes!' in unison.

"right.. go get changed and go to the lake i'll be there." you got up and started shooing the kids to get changed.

you walked out of the mess hall.


"AH!" you jumped, you looked down at max.

"why don't you just tell him?" max pocketed his hands.

"uh what." you placed your hands on your hips.

"everyone knows your head over heels for david." 

you tensed up and went red over what max had said.

"HAH!" max quickly pulled out david's phone and took a picture of you.

"aw man david's gonna love this." he showed the photo of a very flustered you to you.

"DELETE THAT NOW YOU LITTLE SHIT!" you started chasing after max.


"go get changed anyways!" you shooed max into his tent.

"hey neil wanna read y/n's love messages to david?" max started snooping through david's phone, looking for your messages.

"heck yeah!" neil shoved over next to max in attempt to read them.

"oh my fucking god look at this one!" max pointed to one.

'hi idk if u have ur phone on u rn but can u please just text back or something? i'm started to get really worried, please come back to camp david if it was something i did to make you run away we can sort it out together please just come back'

"scroll!" neil started scrolling through your messages exchanged with him.

'hey where r u? i haven't seen u since yesterday i would've assumed you've fallen asleep on the dock again but you weren't there'

'it's been a few days since i've seen u um did u go out into town or something? sorry i'm prob annoying u'

"that's all the juicy stuff. the rest are SUPER boringggg! we can read more when nurf tries to drown preston." neil and max walked out of the tent and started heading to the lake. you were sitting on a lifeguard chair, your legs crossed. (totally weren't looking for david)

"hey y/n?" nikki suddenly appeared at the bottom of the chair.

"uh. yeah?" you took off your sunglasses and took a swig of your can of probably out of date coke.

"is it true your gay for david?" you spat out your drink.

"uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh...." you stared at nikki, all flustered again.

"psh! no! i mean he may be cute, smart, attractive, incredibly hot, an adorable voice and- oh fuck." you realised everyone went quiet and was now listening to you. 

the awkward silence was broken when you heard the classical 'boop' of a phone stopping recording. you slowly turned your head to max. who had the phone in his hand.

"max. i don't wanna alarm you. but you should probably start running." nurf said surprisingly calmly. 

"oh yeah, you're right." max said as you jumped down from the lifeguard chair and was currently charging at him.

"YOU DELETE THAT NOW!!" you screamed, running after him into the forest. 

you panted, doubling over. you heard a low growl. but it sounded like it wasn't coming for you. 

that's when you heard it. a scream. 

oh shit if it's max then i'm dead! 

you ran in the direction of the scream, cautiously you parted the bush.

your eyes widened.

"david?" you walked through the part in the bush. the mans eyes snapped towards you. he stood in front of a pile of rocks.

"y/n? what are you doing here?" you didn't answer his question and immediately ran towards him and hugged him. he stumbled back a bit at the force of your hug. he eventually wrapped his arms around you.

"i was worried sick, davey.." you mumbled into his shoulder. david gulped.

"i'm sorry i was gone for so long.." his voice cracked, you could tell he was on the verge of tears.

"i didn't think i'd-" you cut him off by kissing him. david was shocked at first, then he turned his head to the side and smiled into the kiss. you cupped his cheek. 

that's when you heard it AGAIN. 

you pulled away.

"is there something wrong y/n-"

"max i swear to fUCKING GOD." you turned around to see max holding david's phone. he took another photo.

"whoops my finger slipped." he took another photo.

"i'm showing this to gwen.." max walked away, pressing buttons on david's phone.

you both stood there, both of your faces red.

"i- um... sorry.." you rubbed the back of your neck, turning to face david.

"it's ok. i missed you... a-and i love you." his voice trailed off at the end of his sentence.

"i love you too. 

you should probably get cleaned up by the way." 

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