david x max's older siblings! reader

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you were out getting groceries and decided to take your little brother max with you. after not so happy events happening at home you decided that as soon as he gets out of camp, he can move in with you. so that's what you did.

"max do you want coco pops, i'm getting coco pops anyways.." you half asked him, putting the cereal in the shopping basket. you two weren't getting much, you basically just needed bread, milk and cereal.

"hey y/n, can i get something real quick? i won't be long." max tugged on your leg.

"huh, oh yeah sure bud, just don't take too long." you said, checking the time on your phone. uhhh after a minute or two you'll check up on him.

you looked up from the isle you were in to see his little legs running to the left. you heard him talking to someone, probably a school friend..... nope that voice sounds way too old.

curious, you rounded the corner.

"uhh who are you?" you asked, max was talking to a tall red head guy.

"oh- you must be max's parent! i was his camp counselor for the summer!" he smiled at you. you couldn't help but crack up.

"hah! p-parent?!? pfffff!!! i-i'm his sibling!! hahaha!!" you said in between breaths. the mans face immediately went red as he apologized.

"oh my god i-i'm so so sorry!! please forgive me." he looked to the ground in shame.

"not gonna lie, y/n's kinda better than my actual parents." max half whispered to the male.

"so... what's your name?" you said, reaching up high for bread but failing. you sighed in defeat before the tall man reached up and got it for you.

"david." he smiled, handing you the bread, you smiled back at him and put the bread in the shopping basket.

"thanks, david." you said, as max reached up and put a bag of sweets in the basket.

he looked up at you.

"alright, just this once." you patted his head.

you remembered david was still standing there awkwardly.

"heh... i'm kinda switching between jobs at the moment... and i can't work for too long because i have to look after max and-"

"you could always work as a counselor for camp campbell." the man said out of nowhere.

"um... i'll keep it in mind. if i get fired AGAIN then i will-"

"david! stop flirting with my sibling!" both of your faces immediately went red.

"max, he was only being nice!" you said, checking your pockets for how much money you had.

"shit.... umm- oh! max could you run over and see if they have pretzels?" you hurried him.

"they don't have-"

"i know." you ran a hand through your hair in distress, cutting off david.

"y-you don't have enough... right?" david muttered.

"y..yeah..." you gulped.

he shuffled around for a moment before pulling out a few notes.

"here." he handed them to you.

"...n-no i couldn't-"

"take." he practically shoved the money into you. on instinct you wrapped your arms around him.

"thank you so much!-" you said before realizing you were hugging him and quickly pulled back.

"oh sorry! f-force of habit.." you looked around nervously.

"don't worry about it buddy!" he patted your shoulder, smiling.

max came running around the corner.

"oh for fucks sake! wait a while before you two start dating!!" max shouted from halfway down the isle.

"max!" you scolded him.

"heh. he's alright. you two should get going." david smiled at you.

"oh, right. well then, see you later!" you waved goodbye to him while holding max's hand.

"hey what's this fucker?" max reached into your pocket.

"huh?" you looked at it.

"the horny ass gave you his number!" 

"thank you so much!-" you said before realizing you were hugging him and quickly pulled back. david took this chance to put a piece of paper with his number on it into your pocket. surprisingly you didn't notice.

"think i have a chance?" you half joked to max.

he stood there. 

"y/n what the fuck." you both laughed, walking out of the store.

"so. you gonna hit him up or what?" max said, getting into the car. you went to the back of the car and opened the boot, throwing the groceries in there


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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