𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙖 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙁𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 │ 1.1

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A sinking, dreadful feeling bubbled up in the guards as their most heinous enemy flicked a lever to make a diversion. Who knew with just a switch of a lever...so much pain and fear could be caused?

Even the 'criminal,' the monster they were chasing looked on in shock. This wasn't supposed to happen. He had no time to think about why those fire charges were in there as the guards became more furious than ever before.

"You... you did this! You monster!" The guard in front snarled.

"I-I-" The monster's hands began to twitch in fury, almost crushing the rockets in his hands. Knowing full well that the guards would never believe him, he ran. He ran as fast as body would let him. Running away from the guards. Running away from the destruction.

Running away from his immense guilt.

Bobbing and weaving in between shops and houses, the runaway ventured towards the outskirts of town. Even more dread and guilt filled his gut. It was so empty, so desolate. And, that meant that everyone was in the center of town... where the fire charges went off. If he wasn't in enough trouble already, then imagine the trouble he was in now.

"Oh, Notch. I'm in so much trouble..." You mutter to yourself, speed-walking down the cobble path.

You had second thoughts on ditching your parents. Knowing your dad, he would soon realize what you just got away with. Additionally, being alone with your thoughts let you come to terms with the point your parents had made. They just wanted to keep you safe. Lillian wanted to keep everyone safe and if that meant sacrificing a bit of freedom... so be it.

Oh, you just hoped that they wouldn't be mad at you when you got back.

Huh, those are some nice fireworks. Too bad I missed them...You thought, squinting your eyes at the orange and yellow colored light that littered the plaza.

There was a pause and then actual fireworks started to shoot in the air. You stopped to take in the sight, but that only made you have an ominous realization. Those lights weren't fireworks. It was fire.

Your breath hitched as so many emotions hit you like a tsunami. This feeling, this combination of feelings was something you never ever wanted to feel ever again. It made your body tremble. It made your body sweat profusely. It made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. It got even worse as you got closer, hearing the cries and seeing the people who were doused in fire, trying to put themselves out.

Your eyes went wide as you thought about your parents, tears threatening to fall. As fear-ridden you were and no matter how much the primal instincts of your brain told you to not go there, you started to run to the scene of terror. Well, not before something crashes into you.

You tumbled and fell down onto the cobble path quite harshly. It was so unexpected that you couldn't sit up immediately. While trying your best to lift yourself back up, you spotted a dark green silhouette in your peripheral vision. Was that what knocked me down? What the... what is that? You wondered, attempting to get your eyes to focus.

Before you could wonder any further, the color of iron fills your vision. You then feel hands on your back and your arm, helping you up.

"Kid, you alright?" The guard asked, keeping you balanced.

Your senses were starting to come back to you as you slowly nodded. Regaining your mental bearings, you drag your eyes straight-ahead to see the wreckage of the plaza. "M-My parents..."

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