Chapter 1: That One Night

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Taraji and Terrence were just now coming from the Hustle and Flow release party and they were both shitfaced drunk they weren't lose your balance drunk. As Terrence's driver drove down the busy streets of LA on the way to Taraji house. He looked over at Taraji who sat in the seat beside him the window down the beautiful breeze from this warm yet windy night as the radio played soft slow jams as the night progressed it what nearing 1 o'clock in the morning. But they didn't care they were just cruising Taraji sighed content just letting the wind blow through her hair. As the drive went on Taraji felt Terrence's eyes locked on the side of her face. Over these few months of shooting this movie Taraji took the time to notice how longing his gaze was, she looked out the window and smirked she knew he wanted her since they met but since she has a no business with pleasure thing she refused. But something about tonight felt different you could fill the tension coming from them. As the car stopped she groaned and Terrence laughed and got out of the car and walked around to open her door stepping out she grabbed his hand and smiled a thank you he smiled back she turned around going towards her front door but something stopped her. She turned around and walked back to Terrence "Terry can you spend the night here. I mean seriously I'm not going to see for the next 2 months since you have to go shoot your next movie." She said smiling he chuckled once again and then thought about it I mean he really didn't have to he just wanted to mess with her "Um I don't think I can Penda. Will we be alone?" He asked she nodded he turned away and after about a couple seconds he gave in "Ok just let me tell my driver." He stated she nodded he turned around and leaned his head in the car "Hey John I'm going to be spending the night at Taraji's  just be here to pick me up at around 8 in the morning all right? Have a good night." He said waving John nodded and pulled off Terrence grabbed Taraji's hand as she lead him to the front door she unlocked it ad he walked in after her. Once that door shut and locked all of those bullshit as rules went out the window.

****Flashback Ended****

3rd Person POV
Taraji woke up and groaned she has been having that same dream for about a week now but the thing is that it she always just before they go into the house. She got out of bed took a shower, brushed her teeth and headed downstairs to the kitchen to start on breakfast she was just about done when Marcell walked in and gave her a morning hug "Goodmorning Mom." He said smiling and taking a seat at the island across from her she smiled as well "Goodmorning Cel. Where is your sister?" She asked he shrugged then thought for a minute "Shes probably still sleeping she was up all night playing the game she didn't go to sleep till about 3 in the morning." He admitted Taraji laughed "Did you stay up late with her?" She asked he looked away "Mhmm I knew don't having my baby up that late." She said laughing he did to she walked out of the kitchen and went into her daughters room. She opened the door and walked in sat on the bed next to her and tapped her "Skye baby wake up. It's 11:00." Taraji said while tapping her Skye rolled over and groaned loudly and sat up Taraji laughed at her daughters face "Long night huh?" Taraji teased Skye nodded "Cel had me up all night talking about if I could stay up longer then him then I could have his new ps5. Did he tell you I was up all night playing the game-Yea-that's a lie ma we were watching spongebob." She confessed then she looked her mom who was laughing uncontrollably was she stopped she got up "Well come eat breakfast your dad will be picking you up later." Taraji said walking out Skye got up and did her morning routine and came downstairs and sat next to Marcell who was on his phone and trying so hard to not laugh at her face. She huffed and started to eat her food after they were finished Marcell gave her his game and they were currently in the living room watching tv. Their mother was in her room getting ready for Kelvin to come back home he was out of town for the next to go see his kids and Marcell will be going back to his apartment he stayed with his mom and little sister for the week because he missed them and Skye's dad will be picking her up to spend the week with him they were glad they didn't really like Kelvin like that because he was boring and just down right irritating and disrespectful sometimes. But that's theirs mom's boyfriend and they've been together for about a year. Ever since Skye was 9 they have been trying to get Taraji and Terrence together but none of the plans worked but they never gave up they still try to this day the doorbell rang and marcell answered praying that it was not kelvin he didn't want to see him at all today he wanted to wait for Skye's dad to get here then leave but anyways. He huffed while opening the door and it was Terrence he sighed in relief Terrence walked in and chuckled and gave a marcell a manly hug "Wassup uncle T my bad I thought you were ole boy." He said while closing the front door Terrence laughed "It's all good man." He said looking around they then started talking then Kelvin walked through the door Marcell huffed Kelvin came all the way in and just stared at them like he said something to say Terrence chuckled "Terrence." "Kelvin" Marcell looked away trying so hard to not laugh at kelvins ugly ass face "So Terrence what are you doing here?" Kelvin said in a tone that Terrence didn't seem too fond of Terrence smirked "I came to pick up my daughter and talk to my best friend and godson. Is that a problem." He said walking up into kelvins face Kelvin backed up and shook his head 'Oh my god he is such a bitch' Terrence thought The sound of heels clicking got their attention they looked and it was Taraji coming down the stairs Terrence smiled Kelvin walked past them and gave Taraji a hug and a kiss on her lips. She broke out of his grip and walked up to Terrence smiling he smiled and she gave him a tight hug "Hey terry I missed you." She said Kelvin huffed he always hated their friendship he hugged her back "I missed you to. And you look beautiful, Penda." He said smirking knowing that would piss Kelvin off more She smiled and said thank you "Skye you dads here!" Taraji yelled Skye came running from the living room Terrence smiled as she ran to him. She gave him a big hug " Hi Daddy I missed you." She said "How we talk on the phone everyday. But I missed you to Bean." He said "Go get your stuff so we can go." He said she nodded and ran upstairs Marcell went back in the living room you could sense the tension and he did not wanna be there when everything popped off. Terrence and Taraji went into the kitchen to talk and of course Kelvin followed them ever since he found out that Skye was Terrence's child he doesn't trust Taraji around him Terrence went in the refrigerator and got out and orange and went by the trash and started peeling it while talking to Taraji just catching each other up on what's been going on in the there life's. After about 15 minutes Kelvin cleared his throat loudly they looked at him "Terrence isn't it about time you leave me and Taraji do have somewhere to be." He said Terrence huffed and throw rest of his orange away and washed his hands "I will leave when my daughter walks down those stairs. Now anyways Taraji can Skye stay it's me for and extra week?" He said giving her his puppy dog eyes. She looked away and sighed and shook her head Terrence smacked his lips "Oh come on she asked me I can't just let her down." He said picking his bottom lip out she nodded and he did a little victory dance she laughed " Dad I'm ready!" Skye called out they walked to the front door Terrence gave Taraji one more hug "Thanks Penda, Bye Kelvin." He said then he kissed her forehead she blushed said bye and her babies goodbye hugs they left and she locked the door "I'm gonna miss my babies." She said to herself Kelvin sucked his teeth and huffed Taraji turned around to face him getting more and more irritated by his childish ass "What is your problem?" She said he chuckled "My problem you let him come up in here and disrespect me that's what's my problem!" He yelled Taraji walked up in his face "How? Huh? Because he cam to pick his daughter up and give me a hug if you can't trust that's in you not me I've told over and over nothing is going on between us but you just can't trust me. And this is my fucking house and if he did something disrespectful I would have called him out in it and you need to lower your voice in my damn house." She said then walked away she went to her room and slammed the door she'll be damned if she gon let a nigga come in her house like he pay bills into this motherfucka. She changed into something more comfortable and grabbed her car keys and headed to the front door and saw her and walked up to her "Where are you goin?" He said she turned around "I'm going of over tracie's house you can go on that bullshit ass helicopter ride by yourself. Oh and you can call tracie if you wanna make sure I'm going over there." She said then walked out and slammed the door in his face. While she drove to her other bestfriends house she was just thinking about today Kelvin is just so god damn irritating sometimes but not this irritating something must be going in with him she thought. Then her mind went to Terrence he looked so goddamn fine a fresh haircut the tight muscles popping out of that white t-shirt and let's not get stated on the grey jogging pants she was trying so hard to not look down but she did when they were in the kitchen. When she seen him she just wanted to kiss those soft pink lips ever so passionately but sadly she can't because she's in a relationship and he is to. She really just wished the circumstances were way different.


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Love, Dae Dae

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