Chapter 6: A Bad Feeling

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-A Few Days Later-

Terrence POV

Ever since we came back from the party at Jussie's me and Taraji's relationship has been a lot better. I think that she is ready to take the relationship to the next level. Right now I was in my office pouring a shot of whiskey from my bar I got this bottle from my dad a week ago and I'm just now trying it out. I put ice in my glass then poured my whiskey in it then sat back in my chair. Then Skye called me I answered.

Skye- Hey Daddy you're on speaker
T- Hey bean Hey cel how's it going
(Skye huffs)
S- It's ok but could be better I wanted to go over Marcells house since I haven't been over here in a while but when I came over here he tried to cook and let me tell you daddy it was not good at all.
T- (laughs) Bean why don't y'all just order something to eat then I wouldn't want you to starve.
M- aye come on now uncle T it wasn't that bad (huffs)
T- Alright I'm sorry but just order some food for now and then later I'll bring Taraji and also cook deal?
S- Deal wait dad are you and mom going somewhere?
T- Yes we're going to the movies to see the new escape room.
S- ooh ok we'll see you when you get here bye. I love you
T- I love you too bean and you to cel
(Hangs up)

I smiled after I got of the phone with the kids I'm so glad I had a kid with Taraji after me and Taraji decided to be friends and she told me she was pregnant I made a vow to never having a kid with another women besides Taraji because I promised her I would wait for her. It was something my parents taught me my mom always told me that if you meet a girl that's makes you feel like nothing else in worlds exist then she's the one. And my dad always told me that sometimes you have to wait for you soul mate to come into your life because if you rush it things might not go to well. I continued to think to myself the drank the shot and made a face "Damn usually whiskey doesn't taste this bad." I said out loud I then went to go get dressed.

Skye POV
After my phone call with my dad me and marcell just sat in silence for a minute then he broke the silence "It's about time they got together Jesus." She said sighing I nodded in agreement "Man foreal I knew they were getting closer. So what do you want to eat?" I asked him "I was thinking pizza you down with that kiddo?" He asked I nodded and he ordered it while I looked for something for us to watch.

3rd Person POV
A Few Hours Later
Terrence and Taraji had came back for the movies about an hour and a half ago they were not planning on staying out that long but they did and Skye and marcell were watching tv after Terrence cooked they were just chilling waiting for Taraji and Terrence to get done cleaning the kitchen. Meanwhile, in the kitchen Taraji and Terrence just got done washing dishes and they were sitting down at the island they were talking "Sk then Jussie said—Terry are you ok you don't look to good?" She asked concerned Terrence shook his head no "I'm alright Penda just a little light headed I probably just need to lay down that's all." He said Taraji shook her head "Terry no your not I'm serious. Maybe we should take you to the hospital." She said Terrence got up and as soon as he did he felt sick and ran to the nearest bathroom Taraji was right behind him he went in and threw up but it wasn't vomit she looked in the toilet and damn near passed out "Is that BLOOD!!" She said she then went to get a towel and put some cold water on it and put it in Terrence's forehead while he laid passed out against her chest breathing slowly. "MARCELL COME HERE!!" She yelled he and Skye came running in "Call an ambulance now!" She said he nodded and walked away to call them Skye sat down next to her mom they looked at each other eyes tears forming in their eyes "Mommy- Shh baby he's going to be okay." Taraji said trying not to cry even though she almost did just now Skye called her with so much hurt in her voice but Taraji knows that she needs to be strong for Terrence and her kids. After 5 minutes paramedics came rushing in the bathroom and put Terrence on a stretcher and strapped him in and put him in the back of the truck "Can you tell me what happened?" The EMT asked while hooking the oxygen up to Terrence, Taraji took a deep breath "We were sitting down talking and he looked really pale so I suggested that he go to the hospital he went to the bathroom and threw up blood and he breathing slowed down and he passed out." She told him he nodded "Thanks so are you riding or following?" He asked she looked at marcell and Skye "It's okay mom we'll follow you go." Marcell said she nodded they closed the doors and pulled off shortly with marcell and Skye behind them on the way to the hospital Taraji texted Terrence's parents and there friends and told them what was happening she knew that there friends wouldn't be able to come since they were all on vacation and couldn't catch a plane in time. After some time passed and everyone was now in the waiting room waiting on the nurse to come back with some news Taraji was passing back and forth skye and marcell went to get coffee and Terrence's parents Joan and Marcus were just sitting there worried as ever Joan just sat there watching Taraji go crazy she got up and walked in front of Taraji "Sweetie you can't do this you have to sit down." Joan advised her Taraji shook her head "I can't what if something bad going on I can't lose him I just can't." Taraji confessed  crying Joan nodded and hugged her "I know honey I know. Everything's going to be okay I just know it Terrence is strong I just need you to sit down for me okay try to think about good stuff okay don't just focus on the bad that's happening right now ok?" Joan asked trying not to cry herself Taraji nodded and sat down Skye and marcell came back with coffee for their mom they sat down next to her and laid their head on her shoulders she drank her coffee slowly and put the cup on the table and huffed marcell and Skye held both of her hands and they just sat like that until the nurse came back. And when she did they all stood up "I'm sorry to tell you this but we found a Poison substance in his body that caused one of his kidneys to fail completely. And he will need a kidney donor luckily we found on just in time he just need to have surgery then he will be okay." The nurse said everyone sighed in relief "So when will we be able to see him?" Joan asked "You will be able to see him tomorrow we will be going through with his surgery tonight so he'll need to rest." The nurse said then walked away making everyone wander how the hell did he get poisoned "Taraji did Terrence mention something tasting funny?" Marcus asked Taraji nodded "Actually yeah when he came to pick me up he mentioned that some whiskey you gave him had a bad taste to it and that he just figured that it must have been to old or something." She said "That can't be right because that whiskey was fresh somebody must have put something in it did he mention somebody acting suspicious around his office?" He asked Taraji nodded "Yeah he said Mira popped up at his house and he found her in his office if anybody did something it's her." Taraji said Marcus nodded "Thanks sweetie Joan I'm gonna go phone the chief of police we need to bring this Mira in." Marcus said then went to go make the phone call "Were gonna go home Taraji I need you  to promise me that you'll get some rest that goes for you to Skye and marcell." Joan said hugging Taraji "I promise I'm just going to the bathroom then we'll leave as well." Taraji said Joan nodded once Taraji was gone Joan turned back to her grandkids she's known marcell since he was about 11 so she and Marcus consider him as their grandson "Look I need you guys to look after your mom okay she's going to need you." Joan said they nodded "We will." Skye said they all hugged and after and hour they were all cuddled up and asleep and in Taraji's bed they need to get as much rest as they can.

The Next Day

They finally made it to the hospital to see Terrence. When Taraji and her kids walked in Joan and Marcus were just leaving Marcus was son the phone probably trying to find Mira Joan looked at Taraji and smiled she smiled back and entered the room Skye and marcell ran up to the bed and hugged him gently he lightly "I'm okay guys." He said looking at Taraji she sat down on the bed next to him and hugged him he sighed and sat up "So what did they say happened to me Penda?" He asked she sighed "They said that you were poisoned which called one of your kidneys to fail so you had to get a kidney transplant." She told him he just sat there soaking it all in "So then that must mean that when Mira came over she poisoned me like that dude said I fucking knew it." He said angrily he then looked at Marcell and Skye's sad eyes "Y'all let me get a moment with your mom." He said they nodded and left he looked at Taraji "What's wrong Penda?" He asked she turned around and sighed "I was so worried I can't lose you. And what's next dips she gonna try to get Skye or Marcell kidnapped you heard what that guy said once she poisons then she gets a child kidnapped I just don't m ow what to do." She confessed Terrence sighed "Come here Penda." He said she laid down next to him the hospital bed was almost the size of a queen size bed he turned and looked at her "It'll be okay my dad told me that he and the police team were about to go arrest Mira that's why they left so early. And if I know Mira she is for sure going to jail she won't be able to lay a finger on the kids I promise you. And I'm not going nowhere you can't get rid of me that easily." He said chuckling she did as well "So how long do I have to stay in this damn hospital?" He angrily asked she laughed "They said for about a week Terry." She told him he loudly huffed and she laughed once again then snuggled up next to him texted there empire family the good news and once Skye and Marcell came back they just continued to watch tv just soaking in this family moment.

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Love, Dae Dae

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